Add ex089 Async 6

Dave Gauer 3 years ago
parent 2408f420bc
commit e47dccf245

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
071 - inline for - loop through struct fields
072 - inline while (see lib/std/fmt.zig)
073 - comptime block
074 - quiz 8 - revisit 058_quiz7 and make those connections programatically?

@ -434,6 +434,10 @@ const exercises = [_]Exercise{
.main_file = "088_async5.zig",
.output = "Example Title.",
.main_file = "089_async6.zig",
.output = ".com: Example Title, .org: Example Title.",
/// Check the zig version to make sure it can compile the examples properly.

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// The power and purpose of async/await becomes more apparent
// when we do multiple things concurrently. Foo and Bar do not
// depend on each other and can happen at the same time, but End
// requires that they both be finished.
// +---------+
// | Start |
// +---------+
// / \
// / \
// +---------+ +---------+
// | Foo | | Bar |
// +---------+ +---------+
// \ /
// \ /
// +---------+
// | End |
// +---------+
// We can express this in Zig like so:
// fn foo() u32 { ... }
// fn bar() u32 { ... }
// // Start
// var foo_frame = async foo();
// var bar_frame = async bar();
// var foo_value = await foo_frame;
// var bar_value = await bar_frame;
// // End
// Please await TWO page titles!
const print = @import("std").debug.print;
pub fn main() void {
var com_frame = async getPageTitle("");
var org_frame = async getPageTitle("");
var com_title = com_frame;
var org_title = org_frame;
print(".com: {s}, .org: {s}.\n", .{com_title, org_title});
fn getPageTitle(url: []const u8) []const u8 {
// Please PRETEND this is actually making a network request.
return "Example Title";

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
< var com_title = com_frame;
< var org_title = org_frame;
> var com_title = await com_frame;
> var org_title = await org_frame;