Added ex. 37,38 structs

Dave Gauer 4 years ago
parent 2cded107cd
commit 507355ec3b

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// Being able to group values together lets us turn this:
// point1_x = 3;
// point1_y = 16;
// point1_z = 27;
// point2_x = 7;
// point2_y = 13;
// point2_z = 34;
// into this:
// point1 = Point{ .x=3, .y=16, .y=27 };
// point2 = Point{ .x=7, .y=13, .y=34 };
// The Point above is an example of a "struct" (short for "structure").
// Here's how it could have been defined:
// const Point = struct{ x: u32, y: u32, z: u32 };
// Let's store something fun with a struct: a roleplaying character!
const std = @import("std");
// We'll use an enum to specify the character class.
const Class = enum{
// Please add a new property to this struct called "health" and make
// it a u8 integer type.
const Character = struct{
class: Class,
gold: u32,
experience: u32,
pub fn main() void {
// Please initialize Glorp with 100 health.
var glorp_the_wise = Character{
.class = Class.wizard,
.gold = 20,
.experience = 10,
// Glorp gains some gold. += 5;
// Ouch! Glorp takes a punch! -= 10;
std.debug.print("Your wizard has {} health and {} gold.", .{,

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// Grouping values in structs is not merely convenient. It also allows
// us to treat the values as a single item when storing them, passing
// them to functions, etc.
// This exercise demonstrates how we can store structs in an array and
// how doing so lets us print them all (both) using a loop.
const std = @import("std");
const Class = enum{
const Character = struct{
class: Class,
gold: u32,
health: u8,
experience: u32,
pub fn main() void {
var chars: [2]Character = undefined;
// Glorp the Wise
chars[0] = Character{
.class = Class.wizard,
.gold = 20,
.health = 100,
.experience = 10,
// Please add "Zump the Loud" with the following properties:
// class bard
// gold 10
// health 100
// experience 20
// Feel free to run this program without adding Zump. What does
// it do and why?
// Printing all RPG characters in a loop:
for (chars) |c, num| {
std.debug.print("Character {} - G:{} H:{} XP:{}\n",
.{num+1,,, c.experience});
std.debug.print("\n", .{});

@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ project for the [Rust]( language.
## Intended Audience
This will probably be quite difficult if you've _never_ programmed before.
However, no specific programming experience is required. And in particular,
you are _not_ expected to know C or other "systems programming" language.
This will probably be difficult if you've _never_ programmed before.
But no specific programming experience is required. And in particular,
you are _not_ expected to have any prior experience with "systems programming"
or a "systems" level language such as C.
Each exercise is self-contained and self-explained. However, you're encouraged
to also check out these Zig language resources for more detail:

@ -68,6 +68,10 @@ function check_it {
# I've chosen to explicitly number AND list each exercise rather than rely
# on sorting. Though it does mean manually renaming things to remove/insert,
# it's worked out well so far because its explicit and foolproof.
check_it 01_hello.zig "Hello world" "Note the error: the source file has a hint for fixing 'main'."
check_it 02_std.zig "Standard Library"
check_it 03_assignment.zig "55 314159 -11" "There are three mistakes in this one!"
@ -104,6 +108,8 @@ check_it 33_iferror.zig "2<4. 3<4. 4=4. 5>4. 6>4." "Seriously, what's the deal w
check_it 34_quiz4.zig "my_num=42" "Can you make this work?"
check_it 35_enums.zig "1 2 3 9 8 7" "This problem seems familiar..."
check_it 36_enums2.zig "#0000ff" "I'm feeling blue about this."
check_it 37_structs.zig "Your wizard has 90 health and 25 gold."
check_it 38_structs2.zig "Character 2 - G:10 H:100 XP:20"
echo " __ __ _ "
