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<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1000 300">
<line id="axis" x1="0" y1="150" x2="1000" y2="150" />
<circle id="star" :r="star.radius" :cx="starCX" cy="150" />
<g class="object" :id="" v-for="o in objects">
<g class="rings" v-for="i in o.rings">
<circle :r="o.radius - 5 + 2*i" :cx="o.distance" cy="150" />
<text :class="{ tilted: o.radius < 10 }" :x="o.distance" :y="140 - o.radius">{{ }}</text>
<circle v-if="o.type === 'planet'" :r="o.radius" :cx="o.distance" cy="150" />
<line v-if="o.satellites.length" :x1="o.distance" y1="150" :x2="o.distance" :y2="150 + o.radius + 10*o.satellites.length" />
<g class="satellite" v-for="m,i in o.satellites">
<rect v-if="m.type === 'station'" class="station" :x="o.distance - 2" :y="158 + o.radius + 10*i" width="4" height="4" />
<circle v-else :r="m.radius" :cx="o.distance" :cy="160 + o.radius + 10*i" />
<text :x="o.distance + 5" :y="162 + o.radius + 10*i">{{ }}</text>
<text id="designation" x="980" y="30">{{ star.designation }}</text>
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
import steepCurve from '../steep-curve'
const props = defineProps({
star: Object,
objects: Array,
const starCX = computed(() => {
const r =
return -1 * r * steepCurve(r, 50, 0.955)