// // We've seen that Zig implicitly performs some evaluations at // compile time. But sometimes you'll want to explicitly request // compile time evaluation. For that, we have a new keyword: // // . . . o . . * . . . // . * | . . . . . . * . . // --o-- comptime * | .. . // * | * . . . . --*-- . * . // . . . . . . . . . | . . . // // When placed before a variable declaration, 'comptime' // guarantees that every usage of that variable will be performed // at compile time. // // As a simple example, compare these two statements: // // var bar1 = 5; // ERROR! // comptime var bar2 = 5; // OKAY! // // The first one gives us an error because Zig assumes mutable // identifiers (declared with 'var') will be used at runtime and // we have not assigned a runtime type (like u8 or f32). Trying // to use a comptime_int of undetermined size at runtime is // a MEMORY CRIME and you are UNDER ARREST. // // The second one is okay because we've told Zig that 'bar2' is // a compile time variable. Zig will help us ensure this is true // and let us know if we make a mistake. // const print = @import("std").debug.print; pub fn main() void { // // In this contrived example, we've decided to allocate some // arrays using a variable count! But something's missing... // var count = 0; count += 1; var a1: [count]u8 = .{'A'} ** count; count += 1; var a2: [count]u8 = .{'B'} ** count; count += 1; var a3: [count]u8 = .{'C'} ** count; count += 1; var a4: [count]u8 = .{'D'} ** count; print("{s} {s} {s} {s}\n", .{a1, a2, a3, a4}); // Builtin BONUS! // // The @compileLog() builtin is like a print statement that // ONLY operates at compile time. The Zig compiler treats // @compileLog() calls as errors, so you'll want to use them // temporarily to debug compile time logic. // // Try uncommenting this line and playing around with it // (copy it, move it) to see what it does: //@compileLog("Count at compile time: ", count); }