// // Prerequisite : // - exercise/106_files.zig, or // - create a file {project_root}/output/zigling.txt // with content `It's zigling time!`(18 byte total) // // Now there no point in writing to a file if we don't read from it am I right? // let's wrote a program to read the content of the file that we just created. // // I am assuming you've created the appropriate files for this to work. // // Alright, bud, lean in close here's the game plan. // - First, we open the {project_root}/output/ directory // - Secondly, we open file `zigling.txt` in that directory // - then, we initalize an array of character with all letter 'A', and print it // - Afte that, we read the content of the file to the array // - Finally, we print out the read content const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() !void { // Get the current working directory const cwd = std.fs.cwd(); // try to open ./output assuming you did your 106_files exercise var output_dir = try cwd.openDir("output", .{}); defer output_dir.close(); // try to open the file const file = try output_dir.openFile("zigling.txt", .{}); defer file.close(); // initalize an array of u8 with all letter 'A'. // we need to pick a size of the array, 64 seems like a good number. // fix the initalization below var content = ['A']*64; // this should print out : `AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA` std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{content}); // okay, seem like threat of violence is not the answer in this case // can you go here to find a way to read the content ? // https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/std/#std.fs.File // hint: you might find two answer that are both vaild in this case const byte_read = zig_read_the_file_or_i_will_fight_you(&content); // Woah, too screamy, I know you're excited for zigling time but tone it down a bit // Can you print only what we read from the file ? std.debug.print("Successfully Read {d} byte: {s}\n", .{ byte_read, content, // change this line only }); }