// // Let's learn some array basics. Arrays are declared with: // // var foo: [3]u32 = [3]u32{ 42, 108, 5423 }; // // When Zig can infer the size of the array, you can use '_' for the // size. You can also let Zig infer the type of the value so the // declaration is much less verbose. // // var foo = [_]u32{ 42, 108, 5423 }; // // Get values of an array using array[index] notation: // // const bar = foo[2]; // 5423 // // Set values of an array using array[index] notation: // // foo[2] = 16; // // Get the length of an array using the len property: // // const length = foo.len; // const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() void { // (Problem 1) // This "const" is going to cause a problem later - can you see what it is? // How do we fix it? var some_primes = [_]u8{ 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 }; // Individual values can be set with '[]' notation. // Example: This line changes the first prime to 2 (which is correct): some_primes[0] = 2; // Individual values can also be accessed with '[]' notation. // Example: This line stores the first prime in "first": const first = some_primes[0]; // (Problem 2) // Looks like we need to complete this expression. Use the example // above to set "fourth" to the fourth element of the some_primes array: const fourth = some_primes[3]; // (Problem 3) // Use the len property to get the length of the array: const length = some_primes.len; std.debug.print("First: {}, Fourth: {}, Length: {}\n", .{ first, fourth, length, }); }