// Oh no! This program is supposed to print "Hello world!" but it has some // mistakes. Let's fix it. // // We're trying to import the Standard Library into the top level of our // application. The standard library is not named "foo", it is named "std". // // Please correct the name in both places in the import here: const foo = @import("foo"); // Zig applications start by calling a function named 'main'. It needs to be // public so that it is accessible outside our file! // // Public functions are declared with the 'pub' keyword like so: // // pub fn my_function() void { ... } // // Please make the main() function public: fn main() void { // The easiest way to display our "Hello world" message in the // terminal is to use the std.debug.print() function. // Please fix this silly "foo" mistake here: foo.debug.print("Hello world!\n", .{}); // The print function above takes two values: // // 1. A string of characters: "Hello world!\n". "\n" prints a new line. // // 2. A struct containing data to be displayed. .{} is an empty, nameless // struct fulfilling the requirement. More about structs later. // // // Now we're ready to...What's this!? Oh, we wanted to print a Goodbye // message as well! // // Please fix this to use the same print function as above: "Goodbye!\n" } // Once you're done with the changes above, run `ziglings` to see if it passes. // // Finally, all files will contain the following comment: // // I AM NOT DONE // // Delete it when you're ready to continue to the next exercise!