Initial commit with readme, script, and hello world

Absolutely minimum viable stuff.
Dave Gauer 4 years ago
commit 3b5678815f

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// Oh no! This program is supposed to print "Hello world!" but it has some
// mistakes. Let's fix it.
// We're trying to import the Standard Library into the top level of our
// application. The standard library is not named "foo", it is named "std".
// Please correct the name in both places in the import here:
const foo = @import("foo");
// Zig applications start by calling a function named 'main'. It needs to be
// public so that it is accessible outside our file!
// Public functions are declared with the 'pub' keyword like so:
// pub fn my_function() void { ... }
// Please make the main() function public:
fn main() void {
// The easiest way to display our "Hello world" message in the
// terminal is to use the std.debug.print() function.
// Please fix this silly "foo" mistake here:
foo.debug.print("Hello world!\n", .{});
// The print function above takes two values:
// 1. A string of characters: "Hello world!\n". "\n" prints a new line.
// 2. A struct containing data to be displayed. .{} is an empty, nameless
// struct fulfilling the requirement. More about structs later.
// Now we're ready to...What's this!? Oh, we wanted to print a Goodbye
// message as well!
// Please fix this to use the same print function as above:
// Once you're done with the changes above, run `ziglings` to see if it passes.
// Finally, all files will contain the following comment:
// Delete it when you're ready to continue to the next exercise!

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# ziglings
Welcome to `ziglings`. This project contains a series of incomplete exercises.
By completing the exercises, you learn how to read and write
This project was directly inspired by the brilliant and fun
project for the [Rust]( language.
## Getting Started
_Note: This currently uses a shell (Bash) script to automate the "game". A
future update may remove this requirement. See TODO below._
Install the [master release]( of the Zig compiler.
Verify the installation and version of `zig` like so:
$ zig version
0.7.1+<some hexadecimal string>
Clone this repository with Git:
git clone
cd ziglings
Then run the `ziglings` script and follow the instructions to begin!
## Manual Usage
If you can't (or don't want to) use the script, you can manually verify each
exercise with the Zig compiler.
Some exercises need to be "run" (compiled and executed):
zig run exercises/01_hello.zig
Some exercises need to be tested:
zig test exercises/02_hello_test.zig
Contributions are very welcome! I'm writing this to teach myself and to create
the learning resource I wished for. There will be tons of room for improvement:
* Wording of explanations
* Idiomatic usage of Zig
* Additional exercises
* Re-write the `ziglings` script using the Zig build system (???)
Planned exercises:
* [x] Hello world
* [ ] Hello tests
* [ ] Assignment
* [ ] Arrays
* [ ] If
* [ ] While
* [ ] For
* [ ] Functions
* [ ] Defer
* [ ] Errors
* [ ] Switch
* [ ] Runtime safety
* [ ] Unreachable
* [ ] Pointers
* [ ] Pointer sized integers
* [ ] Multi pointers
* [ ] Slices
* [ ] Enums
* [ ] Structs
* [ ] Unions
* [ ] Integer rules
* [ ] Floats
* [ ] Labelled blocks
* [ ] Labelled loops
* [ ] Loops as expressions
* [ ] Optionals
* [ ] Comptime
* [ ] Inline loops
* [ ] Anonymous structs
* [ ] Sentinel termination
* [ ] Vectors
* [ ] Imports
The initial topics for these exercises were unabashedly cribbed from

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Minimum viable working example!
echo " _ _ _ "
echo " ___(_) __ _| (_)_ __ __ _ ___ "
echo " |_ | |/ _' | | | '_ \ / _' / __| "
echo " / /| | (_| | | | | | | (_| \__ \ "
echo " /___|_|\__, |_|_|_| |_|\__, |___/ "
echo " |___/ |___/ "
# Capture terminal escape sequences (ANSI) for formatting
fmt_err=$( tput setaf 1 ) # red foreground
fmt_yay=$( tput setaf 2 ) # green foreground
fmt_off=$( tput sgr0 ) # reset colors/effects
# TODO: most of this belongs in a generalized function
if grep -q "I AM NOT DONE" 01_hello.zig
echo "* Exercise: Hello world *"
result=$(zig run 01_hello.zig 2>&1)
echo =========================================================================
echo "$result"
echo =========================================================================
if [[ $result_status -eq 0 ]]
printf "${fmt_yay}Zig was able to compile your submission.${fmt_off}\n"
printf "${fmt_err}Uh oh! Looks like there was an error.${fmt_off}\n"
if [[ $result == *Hello*Goodbye* ]]
printf "${fmt_yay}Excellent! I see that you're printing both Hello and Goodbye!${fmt_off}\n"
printf "${fmt_err}It seems to compile, but...${fmt_off}\n"
echo "Now you're ready to move on!"
echo "Delete the line I AM NOT DONE from the source file when you're ready"
echo "to continue."
else # end of exercise one - I AM NOT DONE is removed!
printf "${fmt_yay}DONE - Hello world${fmt_off}\n"
echo "* Exercise: Hello test *"
echo "TODO: this and other exercises :-)"