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import type { ComputedRef } from 'vue'
import { BLOCK_SIZE, STAGE_WIDTH, STAGE_HEIGHT } from '../level/def'
export default function useLightMap(
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
x: ComputedRef<number>,
y: ComputedRef<number>,
tx: ComputedRef<number>,
ty: ComputedRef<number>,
time: ComputedRef<number>,
lightBarrier: ComputedRef<number[]>,
) {
const W = ((STAGE_WIDTH + 2) * BLOCK_SIZE)
const H = ((STAGE_HEIGHT + 2) * BLOCK_SIZE)
const B = BLOCK_SIZE - 4 // no idea why there is a difference, but it is 4px
const playerX = (W - B) / 2 + B / 4
const playerY = H / 2 - B / 2
const playerLightSize = B * 1.8
function getAmbientLightColor() {
const t = time.value
// Night time (pale bluish dark: )
if (t > 900 || t < 100) {
return `hsl(245, 20%, 20%)`
// Morning hours (gradually more reddish hue)
if (t < 250) {
const s = Math.round((t - 100) / 1.5) // 0-100%
const l = Math.round((t - 100) / 1.875) + 20 // 20-100%
return `hsl(0, ${s}%, ${l}%)`
// Evening hours (from neutral white to bluish hue with low saturation)
if (t > 700) {
const s = 100 - Math.round((t - 700) / 2.5) // 100-20%
return `hsl(245, ${s}%, ${s}%)`
// day (neutral white)
return `hsl(0, 0%, 100%)`
function drawPlayerLight(sizeMul:number) {
const playerLight = ctx.createRadialGradient(
playerX - tx.value, playerY - ty.value, 0,
playerX - tx.value, playerY - ty.value, playerLightSize * sizeMul
// Add color stops: white in the center to transparent white
playerLight.addColorStop(0.0, "#FFFF");
playerLight.addColorStop(1, "#FFF0");
// Set the fill style and draw a rectangle
ctx.fillStyle = playerLight;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, W, H)
function drawLights() {
// used for everything above ground
const ambientLight = getAmbientLightColor()
const surroundingLight = ambientLight.slice(-2)
const barrier = lightBarrier.value
ctx.fillStyle = ambientLight
for (let col = 0; col < W / B; col++) {
const level = (barrier[col] - y.value) * B
const sw = B
const sh = level
const sx = col * sw
const sy = 0
ctx.fillRect(sx, sy, sw, sh)
// make light columns wider to illuminate surrounding blocks
const extra = Math.floor(B / 2)
const reflectedLight = ambientLight.slice(0, -1) + ', 50%)'
ctx.fillStyle = reflectedLight
for (let col = 0; col < W / B; col++) {
const level = (barrier[col] - y.value) * B
const sw = B
const sh = level
const sx = col * sw
const sy = 0
ctx.fillRect(sx - extra, sy - extra, sw + extra * 2, sh + extra * 2)
// TODO: draw light for candles and torches
return function update() {
// first, throw the world in complete darkness
ctx.fillStyle = '#000'
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, W, H)
// second, find and bring light into the world
// finally, draw the players light
// with a size multiplicator which might be later used to
// simulate greater illumination with candles or torches