You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
2.2 KiB

module main
import os
import cli
import toml
import regex
import markdown
import template
const default_config = 'config.toml'
const config_params = ['title']
const default_template = 'layouts/_index.html'
const default_index = ''
const default_dist = 'dist'
fn main() {
mut app := cli.Command{
name: 'vss'
version: '0.0.4'
description: 'static site generator'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
// get_paths
fn get_paths(path string) []string {
mds := os.walk_ext(path, '.md')
return mds
fn get_config_map() map[string]string {
mut config_map := map[string]string{}
config := toml.parse_file(default_config) or { return config_map }
for param in config_params {
config_map[param] = config.value(param).string()
return config_map
fn get_html_filename(md_path string) string {
mut file_name := os.file_name(md_path)
file_name = file_name.replace('.md', '')
return file_name + '.html'
// pre_proc_md_to_html convert markdown relative links to html relative links
fn pre_proc_md_to_html(contents string) string {
lines := contents.split_into_lines()
mut parsed_lines := []string{len: lines.len}
for i, line in contents.split_into_lines() {
mut re := regex.regex_opt(r'\[.+\]\(.+\.md\)') or {
eprintln('error: $err')
start, end := re.find(line)
if start >= 0 && end > start {
parsed_lines[i] = line.replace('.md', '.html')
} else {
parsed_lines[i] = line
return parsed_lines.join('\n')
fn generate_pages() ? {
dist := default_dist
if !os.exists(dist) {
os.mkdir_all(dist)? // build/_dist/ のようなPATHが渡されても作成できるようにmkdir_allを使う
template_content := os.read_file(default_template)?
mut config_map := get_config_map()
md_paths := get_paths('.')
for path in md_paths {
mut md := os.read_file(path)?
md = pre_proc_md_to_html(md)
contents := markdown.to_html(md)
config_map['contents'] = contents
html := template.parse(template_content, config_map)
filename := get_html_filename(path)
html_path := os.join_path(dist, filename)
os.write_file(html_path, html)?