Formal Greeting

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Hello everyone. This is my first post and I thougth I might as well tell you, what is going on here.

Highly inspired by Traaash and other pages, I want to use this place for all the TTRPG things, I am currently thinking about, working on or planning. I started jotting a lot of stuff down and everything is very badly organized. Maybe I can bring this into order, by formulizing blog posts.

I also want to log the events of my current (hopefully longrunning) Mothership campaign, that, one day, will maybe give birth to a book, including the campaign setting, its stories and characters, a main story arc, lots of side quests and additional content to help bring the world alive. Unlike many of the existing Mothership campaigns and adventures that have a retro-futurism vibe, my setting focusses on a certain grade of realistic science-fiction, some might call it "hard sci-fi". I will write more about it in my next post.

In the meantime, enjoy and stay wonderful.