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<!doctype html><html lang=en><head><meta charset=UTF-8><meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible><meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" name=viewport><title>
</title><link href=/menu_icon/avatar.png rel=icon type=image/png><link href=" atom.xml" title="Dan Tiskifer" rel=alternate type=application/atom+xml><link href= media=screen rel=stylesheet><meta content="Dan Tiskifer writes stories, adventures and settings for tabletop roleplaying games, as well as leads regular rounds. They prefer rules-light systems, like Mothership and Cthulhu Dark." name=description><meta content="Dan Tiskifer writes stories, adventures and settings for tabletop roleplaying games, as well as leads regular rounds. They prefer rules-light systems, like Mothership and Cthulhu Dark." name=description><meta content="index, nofollow" name=robots><meta content="Dan Tiskifer" property=og:title><meta content=article property=og:type><meta content=/menu_icon/avatar.png property=og:image><meta content=/menu_icon/avatar.png name=twitter:card><meta content= property=og:url><meta content="Dan Tiskifer writes stories, adventures and settings for tabletop roleplaying games, as well as leads regular rounds. They prefer rules-light systems, like Mothership and Cthulhu Dark." property=og:description><meta content="Dan Tiskifer" property=og:site_name><meta content="default-src 'self' ws://; img-src 'self' https://*; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; font-src 'self'" http-equiv=Content-Security-Policy><body><header><div class=navbar><div class="nav-title nav-navs"><a class="nav-links home-title" href=>Dan Tiskifer</a></div><nav class="nav-title nav-navs"><a class=nav-links href=/tags/campaign> <img alt=Campaign height=15 log src=/menu_icon/campaign.png width=15> Campaign Log</a><a class=nav-links href=/projects> <img alt=Projects height=15 src=/menu_icon/projects.png width=15> Projects</a><a class=nav-links href=/about> <img alt=About height=15 src=/menu_icon/avatar.png width=15> About</a></nav><nav class="socials nav-navs"><a class="nav-links social" rel="noopener noreferrer" href= target=_blank> <img alt=fediverse src=/social_icons/mastodon.svg title=fediverse> </a><a class="nav-links social" rel="noopener noreferrer" href= target=_blank> <img alt=discord src=/social_icons/discord.svg title=discord> </a><label class=theme-switcher for=themeswitch><div class=background></div> <input id=themeswitch type=checkbox> <div class=switch><img alt="theme switch to dark" class=moon src=/menu_icon/moon.png><img alt="theme switch to light" class=sun src=/menu_icon/sun.png></div></label></nav></div></header><div class=content><main><article><header class=title><h1>Introduction</h1><div class=meta><span> 147 words (1 minute read) posted on <time>2023-02-02</time> </span></div></header><section class=body><h2 id=who-is-this>Who is this?</h2><p>Tabletop role playing fan, storywriter, puzzle fan, idealist. Loves rules-lite systems, that are not about heros, but normal people experiencing inexplicable things. Favorite systems include <a href=>Mothership</a> and <a href=>Cthulhu Dark</a>.<h2 id=how-can-i-reach-dan>How can I reach Dan?</h2><p>Dan can be reached via the Fediverse (some might call it Mastodon) handle <a href=></a> or on <a href=></a> and <a href=>drivethru</a>.<h2 id=so-who-is-this-but-for-real-now>So, who is this, but for real now!?</h2><p>Dan Tiskifer is the alter ego of Norman Köhring. They are big sci-fi RPG fans and have a passion for writing stories for their players.<p>In the real, professional world, they do web development. More can be found at their homepage <a href=></a> that also lists all the social media accounts.<h2 id=why-that-name-dan-tiskifer>Why that name? Dan? Tiskifer?!</h2><p>It's a puzzle.</section></article></main></div><footer>©2023 Dan Tiskifer | Powered by <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href= target=_blank>Z