You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

35 lines
910 B

<extend template=base.html />
<title id=title var=$page.title></title>
<head id=head>
.posts { padding: 0; }
.posts>li { display: block; margin: 2rem 0; }
.posts>li>div { line-height: 2; }
.posts>li>p { line-height: 1.4; }
.posts>li>time, .posts>li>div>.reading-time { color: gray; }
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<h1 var=$page.title></h1>
<em var=$page.description></em>
<div var=$page.content></div>
<ol class="posts">
<li loop=$page.subpages()>
<time datetime="$" var='$"January 02, 2006")'></time>
<a href="$" var="$"></a>
(<span class="reading-time">~<span var="$"></span> mins</span>)
<p var=$page.description></p>
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