*This page contains short notes and sometimes code snippets, of interesting things I just found out.* Last updated: 2024-05-13
Reading speed is usually from 100 to 260 words per minute (source)
Sort list of strings in Javascript (source)
Disallowed Focussed Tests and how it saved my day (source)
Jest mocks are ...different (source)
pwdx command shows the working path of a process (source)
There is a file system for EFI vars now (source)
Adding aliases in vite with typescript needs the same alias in tsconfig (source)
E-Mail that isn't spam is called ham! (source)
it fetch $repo_url $remote_branch:$new_local_branch` (source)
Bush refused offer to discuss Osama Bin Laden handover (source)
There is a HTML tag for "Word Break Opportunity" (source)