Today I Learned

This page contains short notes and sometimes code snippets, of interesting things I just found out.
Last updated:
  1. Javascript's Array.from is neat! (source)
    Reading speed is usually from 100 to 260 words per minute (source)
    Sort list of strings in Javascript (source)
    Rob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming (source)
    Disallowed Focussed Tests and how it saved my day (source)
    Jest mocks are ...different (source)
    pwdx command shows the working path of a process (source)
    There is a file system for EFI vars now (source)
    Adding aliases in vite with typescript needs the same alias in tsconfig (source)
    E-Mail that isn't spam is called ham! (source)
    git fetch repo_url remote_branch:new_local_branch (source)
    Bush refused offer to discuss Osama Bin Laden handover (source)
    There is a HTML tag for "Word Break Opportunity" (source)