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<h1 >Stack</h1>
<em >As a software engineer, the tools I use define how I work and I find it inspiring to see which tools other people use.</em>
Last updated: <time datetime="Sun, 14 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000" >July 14, 2024</time>
4 months ago
3 months ago
<div ><hr><p>This page focusses on Software. For Hardware, check <a href="/setup">/setup</a>.</p><hr><p>My software stack is pretty old-school but still modern. I prefer CLI applications for almost everything, the only GUI programs I usually run are browsers, image manipulators and LogSeq.</p><h2><span title="Operating System">OS</span>: Fedora Linux</h2><p>It all started with Real Red Linux 2000, a special millenium version of <a href="">RedHat Linux</a>. I don't know for sure, but I think it was based on RedHat 6.1 or 6.2.</p><p>Over the years, I first used different RPM based distributions, then switched to <a href="">Gentoo</a> for a while, before getting annoyed by the compiling frenzy and discovering <a href="">Arch</a>. When Arch made the switch to systemd, I found Void Linux and stayed with it for years. At some point, not many years ago, I went with <a href="">Fedora</a> and it struck a nice middle ground between customizability and "it just works". Thanks to Fedora Spins, it is now easy to have a more standard system on my work laptop and a rather customized one on my private laptop, without too many differences in the foundation. I use official the <a href="">Sway Spin</a> on my private laptop.</p><h2><span title="Desktop Environment">DE</span>: GNOME vs Sway</h2><p>Over the years I got used to tiling window managers. Honestly, I tried almost all of them and went from <a href="">hyper-configurable</a> to <a href="">super minimalist</a>. I ended up - as usual - somewhere in the middle, with <a href="">i3</a> and <a href="">Sway</a>.</p><p>My work laptop has a GNOME desktop with some extensions, that make it work well for me. My typical work flow involves full screen applications and many desktops. I rarely have more than one window on one screen. That is why I didn't have too much of a hard time to switch from <a href="">dwm</a> and similar tiling window managers to GNOME, because it uses MacOS-like gestures to work with desktops. Extensions like <a href="">Maximize Lonely Window</a> help as well. There used to be another extension, <a href="">Maximize To Empty Workspace</a>, which was even closer to my usual way of working. But it is not supported in newer GNOME versions.</p><h2>Editor: Helix</h2><p>Most of my life, I used <a href="">ViM</a>. It made me more productive and helped me to focus on the things that matter most for my productivity. One day, I found <a href="">Kakoune</a>, which blew me away by being so similar and yet different to ViM, in a (in my opinion) good way. What Kakoune does is to to switch around the command order. While ViM's command language is VERB-MODIFIER-OBJECT. For example: <code>d2w</code> means delete two words. Kakoune switches that to MODIFIER-VERB-OBJECT and introduces selecting and non-selecting movement, which allows you to see your selection before applying an action. <code>d2w</code> changes to <code>2Wd</code>, which translates to select next two words, then delete them. I finally settled with <a href="">Helix</a>, an editor that uses Kakounes command language, but implements many useful things by default, while still being very configurable.</p><h2>Terminal: foot + zellij + zsh + starship</h2><p>Almost all of my day-to-day applications are in the terminal. I am so used to it, that I started trusting GUI applications less. This is obviously my issue, but luckily I'm not alone, so many great CLI applications exist.</p><p>I use <a href="">foot</a> as terminal emulator. It is lightweight, supports 24bit colours and works with Wayland.</p><p>Inside foot runs <a href="">zellij</
4 months ago
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Code Artist
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