# k0r.386 ![k0r.386 screenshot](https://git.k0r.in/n/k0r.386/raw/branch/main/screenshot.jpg) ## [koehr.ing](https://koehr.ing/) ## Theme This page is built with [vitepress](https://vitepress.dev/). The theme is fully custom and, currently, only available as part of this source code. As inspiration served [crt.no](https://crt.no) but all code is my own. The font used is [VT323 by Peter Hull](https://github.com/phoikoi/VT323/), which can be installed via [fontsource](https://fontsource.org/fonts/vt323) as a node package. The ascii art headers are generated with `figlet`, using the [Chunky](https://github.com/xero/figlet-fonts/blob/master/Chunky.flf) font.