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# WMFS2 configuration file
# Possible file inclusion:
# @include "file"
@include ~/.config/wmfs/keysrc
@include ~/.config/wmfs/rulesrc
@include ~/.config/wmfs/themesrc
# Position:
# 0 Top
# 1 Bottom
# 2 Hide
# Element type:
# t Tags
# s Statustext (will take available space)
# y Systray (can be set only ONE time among all element)
# l Launcher (will be expended at launcher use)
position = 1
screen = 0
elements = "tlsy" # element order in bar
theme = "default"
# [bar]
# position = 0
# screen = 1
# elements = "ts"
# theme = "default"
# [/bar]
# Tag wrapping navigation
circular = false
# Use no screen option or screen = -1 to set tag on each screen
screen = -1
name = "foo"
# statusline=""
[tag] name = "www" [/tag]
[tag] name = "3" [/tag]
[tag] name = "4" [/tag]
[tag] name = "5" [/tag]
[tag] name = "6" [/tag]
[tag] name = "7" [/tag]
[tag] name = "8" [/tag]
[tag] name = "feh" [/tag]
# Mousebinds associated to Tags element button
[mouse] button = "1" func = "tag_click" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "4" func = "tag_next" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "5" func = "tag_prev" [/mouse]
# Padding between clients (default: 0) :
padding = 0
# Give focus to new created client (default = false)
autofocus = false
theme = "default"
key_modifier = "Super"
# Focus type:
# enter : focus follow mouse (default)
# click : click to focus
# everything-else : disable mouse focus support
focus = enter
[mouse] button = "1" func = "client_focus_click" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "1" func = "mouse_swap" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "2" func = "mouse_tab" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "3" func = "mouse_resize" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "4" func = "client_focus_next_tab" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "5" func = "client_focus_prev_tab" [/mouse]
# command can be an uicb function or an uicb function + extension (see example)
name = "exec"
prompt = ">>"
# Example of uicb + ext:
# command = "spawn xterm -e"
command = "spawn"
width = 150