You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
2.6 KiB

" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki syntax file
" Default syntax
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
" text: *strong*
" let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\*[^*]\+\*'
let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='.
let g:vimwiki_char_bold = '*'
" text: _emphasis_
" let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = '_[^_]\+_'
let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='.
let g:vimwiki_char_italic = '_'
" text: *_bold italic_* or _*italic bold*_
let g:vimwiki_rxBoldItalic = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='.
let g:vimwiki_char_bolditalic = '\*_'
let g:vimwiki_rxItalicBold = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='.
let g:vimwiki_char_italicbold = '_\*'
" text: `code`
let g:vimwiki_rxCode = '`[^`]\+`'
let g:vimwiki_char_code = '`'
" text: ~~deleted text~~
let g:vimwiki_rxDelText = '\~\~[^~`]\+\~\~'
let g:vimwiki_char_deltext = '\~\~'
" text: ^superscript^
let g:vimwiki_rxSuperScript = '\^[^^`]\+\^'
let g:vimwiki_char_superscript = '^'
" text: ,,subscript,,
let g:vimwiki_rxSubScript = ',,[^,`]\+,,'
let g:vimwiki_char_subscript = ',,'
" Header levels, 1-6
let g:vimwiki_rxH1 = '^\s*=\{1}[^=]\+.*[^=]\+=\{1}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH2 = '^\s*=\{2}[^=]\+.*[^=]\+=\{2}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH3 = '^\s*=\{3}[^=]\+.*[^=]\+=\{3}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH4 = '^\s*=\{4}[^=]\+.*[^=]\+=\{4}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH5 = '^\s*=\{5}[^=]\+.*[^=]\+=\{5}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH6 = '^\s*=\{6}[^=]\+.*[^=]\+=\{6}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxHeader = '\%('.g:vimwiki_rxH1.'\)\|'.
\ '\%('.g:vimwiki_rxH2.'\)\|'.
\ '\%('.g:vimwiki_rxH3.'\)\|'.
\ '\%('.g:vimwiki_rxH4.'\)\|'.
\ '\%('.g:vimwiki_rxH5.'\)\|'.
\ '\%('.g:vimwiki_rxH6.'\)'
let g:vimwiki_char_header = '\%(^\s*=\+\)\|\%(=\+\s*$\)'
" <hr>, horizontal rule
let g:vimwiki_rxHR = '^----.*$'
" List items start with optional whitespace(s) then '* ' or '# '
let g:vimwiki_rxListBullet = '^\s*\%(\*\|-\)\s'
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '^\s*#\s'
let g:vimwiki_rxListDefine = '::\(\s\|$\)'
" Preformatted text
let g:vimwiki_rxPreStart = '{{{'
let g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd = '}}}'