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Version: 0.5
Author: Ryan (gt3) Kulla.
Date: Jan 2004
Description: pydiction is a special dictionary file of Python modules for use with vim's completion feature. is a program that generates the pydiction file and you can use it to add your
project's own modules to it.
When you supply a module name to it will generate the modules contents in 2 forms.
The first form will be a list of the modules contents with the module name prefixed such as:
The first format is useful when you "import module" and are required to type the module prefix.
The second form will be a list of just the module's method names without the module prefix:
The second form is useful when you "from module import functions".
"" Usage: module1 module2..
Example: The following will append all the time and math module's attributes to the file "pydiction" with
and without the "time." and "math." prefixes: time math
If you supply the -v option to it will dump the output to your screen instead of appending it
to the pydiction file: -v time math
"pydiction dictionary file" Usage:
Put the following lines in your vimrc file:
if has("autocmd")
autocmd FileType python set complete+=k/path/to/pydiction iskeyword+=.,(
endif " has("autocmd")
Now you can simply hit Control-n (n=next) or Control-p (p=previous) to complete Python code.
(type ":help completion" in vim for more details)
Typing the following (in insert mode):
will expand to:
You can also leave out the module.
will expand to:
More examples:
la<Ctrl-n> = lambda
wx<Ctrl-n> = wxPython<Ctrl-n> = twisted.protocols (Keep hitting Ctrl-n to see twisted.protocols.*)
__b<Ctrl-n> = __builtin__ (Ctrl-n again = __builtins__)
sys.getr<Ctrl-n> = sys.getrecursionlimit(
sy<Ctrl-n> = sys.getrecursionlimit( (Vim remembers you've just used it)
If there are multiple entries for an abbreviation, you'll be givin a list of names to choose from.
Currently Supported Python Modules:
__builtin__, __main__, __future__, os, os.walk, sys, datetime, time, locale,
atexit, readline, rlcompleter, types, UserDict, UserList, UserString, operator, inspect, traceback,
linecache, pickle, cPickle, copy_reg, shelve, copy, marshal, warnings, imp, pkgutil, code, codeop,
pprint, repr, new, site, user, string, re, struct, difflib, fpformat, StringIO, cStringIO, textwrap,
codecs, encodings, unicodedata, stringprep, pydoc, doctest, unittest, test, math, cmath, random,
whrandom, bisect, heapq, array, sets, itertools, ConfigParser, fileinput, xreadlines, cmd, shlex,
dircache, stat, statcache, statvfs, filecmp, popen2, sched, mutex, getpass, curses, getopt,
optparse, tempfile, errno, glob, fnmatch, shutil, gettext, logging, signal, socket, select,
thread, threading, dummy_thread, dummy_threading, Queue, mmap, anydbm, dbhash, whichdb, bsddb,
dumbdbm, zlib, gzip, bz2, zipfile, tarfile, posix, pwd, grp, crypt, dl, gdbm, termios, tty, pty,
fcntl, pipes, resource, syslog, commands, pdb, profile, hotshot, timeit, webbrowser, cgi, cgitb,
urllib, urllib2, httplib, ftplib, gopherlib, poplib, imaplib, nntplib, smtplib, telnetlib, urlparse,
SocketServer, BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer, CGIHTTPServer, Cookie, xmlrpclib, SimpleXMLRPCServer,
DocXMLRPCServer, asyncore, asynchat, formatter, email, mailcap, mailbox, mhlib, mimetools, mimetypes,
MimeWriter, mimify, multifile, rfc822, base64, binascii, binhex, quopri, uu, xdrlib, netrc, robotparser,
csv, HTMLParser, sgmllib, htmllib, htmlentitydefs, xml.parsers.expat, xml.dom, xml.dom.minidom,
xml.dom.pulldom, xml.sax, xml.sax.handler, xml.sax.saxutils, xml.sax.xmlreader, xmllib, audioop, imageop,
aifc, sunau, wave, chunk, colorsys, rgbimg, imghdr, sndhdr, hmac, md5, sha, rotor, Tkinter, Tix,
ScrolledText, turtle, rexec, Bastion, parser, symbol, token, keyword, tokenize, tabnanny, pyclbr,
py_compile, compileall, dis, distutils, compiler, compiler.ast, compiler.visitor, msvcrt, _winreg,
winsound, pygame, wxPython, twisted, Numeric, numarray, ldap
Currently Supported Keywords:
and del for is raise
assert elif from lambda return
break else global not try
class except if or while
continue exec import pass yield
def finally in print
Other modules will be supported in future versions