" Settings set nohud set smoothscroll set noautofocus " The opposite of autofocus; this setting stops " sites from focusing on an input box when they load set typelinkhints let searchlimit = 30 let scrollstep = 70 let barposition = "bottom" let locale = "uk" " Current choices are 'jp' and 'uk'. This allows cVim to use sites like google.co.uk " or google.co.jp to search rather than google.com. Support is currently limited. " Let me know if you need a different locale for one of the completion/search engines let hintcharacters = "asdfgqwertzxcvb12345" let searchengine dogpile = "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=" " If you leave out the '%s' at the end of the URL, " your query will be appended to the link. " Otherwise, your query will replace the '%s'. " This will do the same thing as above, except typing ':tabnew withbase' into to command bar " without any search parameters will open 'http://www.dogpile.com' let searchengine withbase = ["https://duckduckgo.com", "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s"] let completionengines = ["duckduckgo", "amazon", "imdb", "dogpile"] let searchalias ddg = "duckduckgo" " Create a shortcut for search engines. " For example, typing ':tabnew g example' " would act the same way as ':tabnew google example' " Open all of these in a tab with `gnb` or open one of these with goa where " let qmark a = ["http://www.reddit.com", "http://www.google.com", "http://twitter.com"] " let blacklists = ["https://mail.google.com/*", "*://mail.google.com/*", "@https://mail.google.com/mail/*"] " blacklists prefixed by '@' act as a whitelist let mapleader = "," " Mappings map r reloadTabUncached " map x :restore " This remaps the default 'j' mapping map j scrollUp " You can use , which is interpreted as a " literal " " character, to enter buffer completion mode map b :buffer map B :bookmarks " This remaps the default 'f' mapping to the current 'F' mapping " map f F " Toggle the current HUD display value " map :set hud! " Switch between alphabetical hint characters and numeric hints " map :set numerichints! " Create a variable that can be used/referenced in the command bar " let @@reddit_prog = 'http://www.reddit.com/r/programming' " let @@top_all = 'top?sort=top&t=all' " let @@top_day = 'top?sort=top&t=day' " TA binding opens 'http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/top?sort=top&t=all' in a new tab " map TA :tabnew @@reddit_prog/@@top_all " map TD :tabnew @@reddit_prog/@@top_day " Use paste buffer in mappings map T :tabnew wikipedia @" " Code blocks (see below for more info) getIP() -> {{ httpRequest({url: 'http://api.ipify.org/?format=json', json: true}, function(res) { Status.setMessage('IP: ' + res.ip); }); }} " Displays your public IP address in the status bar map ci :call getIP " Script hints echo(link) -> {{ alert(link.href); }} map createScriptHint(echo) let configpath = '~/.config/cvimrc' set localconfig " Update settings via a local file (and the `:source` command) rather " than the default options page in chrome " As long as localconfig is set in the .cvimrc file. cVim will continue to read " settings from there