" potwiki.vim """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Name: potwiki " Description: Maintain a simple Plain Old Text Wiki " Author: Edwin Steiner " Maintainer: -- '' -- " " Licence: This program is free software; you can redistribute it " and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public " License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt " " Credits: Mathieu Clabaut " for the organization of the documentation and " the automatic documentation installing " (taken from his script vimspell.vim) " Michael Fitz " NextWord/PrevWord bugfix " Anders Carling " potwiki_suffix feature """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " " Section: Documentation "---------------------------- " " Documentation should be available by ":help potwiki" command, once the " script has been copied into your .vim/plugin directory. " " You still can read the documentation at the end of this file. Locate it by " searching the "potwiki-contents" string (and set ft=help to have " appropriate syntactic coloration). " if exists('loaded_potwiki') finish endif let loaded_potwiki = 1 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim "---------------------------------------------------------------------- " Revision let s:revision = "1.25" "---------------------------------------------------------------------- " Configuration function s:default(varname,value) if !exists('g:potwiki_'.a:varname) let g:potwiki_{a:varname} = a:value endif endfunction call s:default('suffix','') call s:default('home',"~/Wiki/HomePage".g:potwiki_suffix) call s:default('home_dir',fnamemodify(g:potwiki_home,':p:h')) call s:default('upper','A-Z') call s:default('lower','a-z') call s:default('other','0-9_') call s:default('autowrite',0) call s:default('slash',has('unix') ? '/' : '\') call s:default('ignore','') call s:default('opendirs',0) "---------------------------------------------------------------------- " Functions function s:PotWikiInit() let upp = g:potwiki_upper let low = g:potwiki_lower let oth = g:potwiki_other let nup = low.oth let nlo = upp.oth let any = upp.nup "A PotWikiWord must start with an upper case character and contain at "least one lower case and another upper case character in that order. let inner = '['.upp.']['.nlo.']*['.low.']['.nup.']*['.upp.']['.any.']*' call s:PotWikiBuildIgnore() if s:ignorerx != "" let s:wordrx = '\C\<\(\('.s:ignorerx.'\)\>\)\@!'.inner.'\>' else let s:wordrx = '\C\<'.inner.'\>' endif call s:PotWikiMap() call s:PotWikiMenu() call s:PotWikiAutoCommands() au Filetype potwiki call PotWikiBufferInit() au Syntax potwiki call PotWikiDefineSyntax() endfunction function s:PotWikiBufferInit() call s:PotWikiBufferMap() endfunction function s:PotWikiDir() if &filetype == 'potwiki' return expand('%:p:h') endif return g:potwiki_home_dir endfunction function s:PotWikiDefineSyntax() syntax clear syntax case match execute 'syntax match PotwikiWordNotFound "'.s:wordrx.'"' call s:PotWikiDefineWords() " Define the default highlighting. hi def link PotwikiWordNotFound Error hi def link PotwikiWord Identifier let b:current_syntax = "potwiki" endfunction " external interface function PotwikiSyntax() call s:PotWikiDefineSyntax() endfunction function s:PotWikiBuildIgnore() let s:ignorerx = "" let words=g:potwiki_ignore while words != "" let pos = stridx(words,",") if pos < 0 let pos = strlen(words) endif let word = strpart(words,0,pos) let words = strpart(words,pos+1) if s:ignorerx != "" let s:ignorerx = s:ignorerx.'\|' endif let s:ignorerx = s:ignorerx.word endwhile endfunction function s:PotWikiDefineWords() let files=globpath(s:PotWikiDir(),"*") while files != "" let pos = stridx(files,"\n") if pos < 0 let pos = strlen(files) endif let file = strpart(files,0,pos) let files = strpart(files,pos+1) let suffix_len = strlen(g:potwiki_suffix) let file_len = strlen(file) if strpart(file, file_len-suffix_len, suffix_len) == g:potwiki_suffix let word=strpart(file,0,file_len-suffix_len) else let word="" endif let word = matchstr(word,s:wordrx.'\%$') if word != "" if filereadable(file) || (g:potwiki_opendirs && isdirectory(file)) execute "syntax match PotwikiWord ".'"\<'.word.'\>"' endif endif endwhile endfunction function s:PotWikiEdit(file) if isdirectory(a:file) && !g:potwiki_opendirs echo a:file." is a directory" return endif execute "e ".a:file if &filetype != 'potwiki' setlocal filetype=potwiki endif endfunction function s:PotWikiAutowrite() if &filetype == 'potwiki' && g:potwiki_autowrite execute "update" endif endfunction "---------------------------------------------------------------------- " Autocommands function s:PotWikiAutoCommands() let dir = g:potwiki_home_dir if !has('unix') let dir = substitute(dir,'\','/','g') endif " 'setf potwiki' is too weak -- we may have to override a wrong filetype: execute 'au BufNewFile,BufReadPost '.dir.'/*'.g:potwiki_suffix.' setlocal filetype=potwiki' endfunction "---------------------------------------------------------------------- " Maps function s:PotWikiMap() noremap