" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Filename: ShowFunc.vim {{{ " VimScript: #397 " " Maintainer: Dave Vehrs " Last Modified: 28 Mar 2006 03:58:12 PM by Dave V " " Copyright: (C) 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006 Dave Vehrs " " This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or " modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as " published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of " the License, or (at your option) any later version. " " This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the " GNU General Public License for more details. " " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public " License along with this program; if not, write to the Free " Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, " Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA _OR_ download at copy at " http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html#TOCGPL " " Description: This script creates a hyper link list of all the functions, " subroutines, classes, macros or procedures in a single file or " all currently open windows and displays them in a dynamically " sized cwindow. " History: This script inspired by an idea posted by Flemming Madsen, in " vimtip#79. " " WARNING: It may write the file as a side effect. " Requires: Vim 6.0 or newer. " Exuberant ctags (http://ctags.sourceforge.net/). " Install: Put this file in the vim plugins directory (~/.vim/plugin) " to load it automatically, or load it manually with " :so ShowFunc.vim. " " Additional notes at end of file...}}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Configuration: {{{ " Test for and if necessary configure all default settings. If you would like " to change any setting, just add let g:variablename = "new-value" to your " .vimrc. " For Example, to change the location of the ctags binary, add this: " let g:showfuncctagsbin = "/bin/ctags" " OR " let g:showfuncctagsbin = "c:\\gnu\\ctags\\ctags.exe" " Default ScanType Options: buffers | Scan all open buffers. " current | Scan only the current buffer. " windows | Scan all open windows. if !exists("g:ShowFuncScanType") let g:ShowFuncScanType = "buffers" endif " Default SortType Options: yes | Display output sorted alphabetically. " no | Display output in file order. " foldcase | Display output sorted alphabetically, " | disregarding case. if !exists("g:ShowFuncSortType") let g:ShowFuncSortType = "foldcase" endif " You can limited the filetypes that are supported by listing them seperated " by "^@". " let g:CtagsSupportedFileTypes = "c^@python^@perl^@" " ----- " Sometimes you'll get more results than you want and you can filter the " output. " To find out what languages ctags supports: " ctags --list-languages " To find out what tags are supported for each language, execute: " ctags --list-kinds= " For example: " ctags --list-kinds=vim " a autocommand groups " f function definitions " v variable definitions " Now, we can set ctags to just search for functions like so: " let g:ShowFunc_vim_Kinds = "f" " To search for functions and autocommand groups: " let g:ShowFunc_vim_Kinds = "af" " let g:ShowFunc_vim_Kinds = "-a+f-v" " To search for everything but variables: " let g:ShowFunc_vim_Kinds = "-v" let g:ShowFunc_vim_Kinds = "-v" let g:ShowFunc_php_Kinds = "-v" " To set filters for other languages, simply set a global variable for them " by replacing the _vim_ with the vim filetype (same as ctags for all " languages but c++, then use cpp). " let g:ShowFunc_cpp_Kinds = "-v" " }}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Exit if already loaded. {{{ if ( exists("loaded_showfunc") || &cp ) | finish | endif let g:loaded_showfunc=1 " Enable filetype detection filetype on " }}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " AutoCommands: {{{ augroup showfunc_autocmd autocmd! autocmd BufEnter * call LastWindow() augroup end " }}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Functions: {{{ " Rotate through available scan types. function! ChangeScanType() if g:ShowFuncScanType == "buffers" | let g:ShowFuncScanType = "windows" elseif g:ShowFuncScanType == "windows" | let g:ShowFuncScanType = "current" elseif g:ShowFuncScanType == "current" | let g:ShowFuncScanType = "buffers" endif call ShowFuncOpen() endfunction " Rotate through available sort types. function! ChangeSortType() if g:ShowFuncSortType == "no" | let g:ShowFuncSortType = "yes" elseif g:ShowFuncSortType == "yes" | let g:ShowFuncSortType = "foldcase" elseif g:ShowFuncSortType == "foldcase" | let g:ShowFuncSortType = "no" endif call ShowFuncOpen() endfunction " Ctags binary tests function! s:CtagsTest(path) " if the location of the ctags executable is not already configured, then " attempt to find it.... if a:path == "unk" let l:test_paths = "/usr/local/bin/ctags /usr/bin/ctags" . \ " C:\\gnu\\ctags\\ctags.exe " let l:rpath = "fail" while l:test_paths != '' let l:pathcut = strpart(l:test_paths,0,stridx(l:test_paths,' ')) if executable(l:pathcut) let l:rpath = s:CtagsVersionTest(l:pathcut) if l:rpath != "fail" break endif endif let l:test_paths = strpart(l:test_paths,stridx(l:test_paths,' ') + 1) endwhile if l:rpath == "fail" if !has("gui_running") || has("win32") echo "ShowFunc Error: Ctags binary not found.\n". \ "Please set g:showfuncctagsbin in your .vimrc.\n" endif endif else " Else test the variable to see that it is actually an executable. if executable(a:path) let l:rpath = s:CtagsVersionTest(a:path) else if ( !has("gui_running") || has("win32") ) echo "ShowFunc Error: Ctags binary not found.\n". \ "Your g:showfuncctagsbin may be set incorrectly.\n" endif let g:loaded_showfunc = 0 let l:rpath = "fail" endif endif return l:rpath endfunction " Test to be sure we have Exuberant Ctags. function! s:CtagsVersionTest(path) " Test Ctags for correct ctags project.. let l:test_str = strtrans(system(a:path . " -x --version")) let ctagsvertest = strpart(l:test_str,0,15) if ctagsvertest != "Exuberant Ctags" if ( !has("gui_running") || has("win32") ) echo "ShowFunc Error: Incorrect Version of Ctags.\n". \ "Download the correct version from http://ctags.sourceforge.net" endif let g:loaded_showfunc = 0 let l:rpath = "fail" else let l:rpath = a:path " Set Ctags version variables. let g:CtagsMajorVersion = strpart(l:test_str,(stridx(l:test_str,"s ")+2), \ (stridx(l:test_str,".")-(stridx(l:test_str,"s ")+2)) ) let l:test_str2 = strpart(l:test_str,(stridx(l:test_str,".")+1)) if ((stridx(l:test_str2,".") < stridx(l:test_str2,",")) && (stridx(l:test_str2,".") >= 0)) let g:CtagsSubVersion = strpart(l:test_str2, \ (stridx(l:test_str2,".")+1),(stridx(l:test_str2,",")-(stridx(l:test_str2,".")+1))) let g:CtagsMinorVersion = strpart(l:test_str2,0, \ (stridx(l:test_str2,"."))) else let g:CtagsMinorVersion = strpart(l:test_str2,0, \ (stridx(l:test_str2,","))) let g:CtagsSubVersion = "0" endif " Test for correct versions. if g:CtagsMajorVersion < 5 echo "Exuberant Ctags needs to be upgraded for ShowFunc to work." echo "Please visit http://ctags.sourceforge,net." let l:rpath = "fail" elseif g:CtagsMinorVersion <= 4 echo "Exuberant Ctags should be upgraded, some features of the" echo "ShowFunc script may not work." echo "Please visit http://ctags.sourceforge,net." endif " Define default supported file types list for Ctags versions 5.5 and newer. if (!exists("g:CtagsSupportedFileTypes") && g:CtagsMajorVersion == 5 && \ g:CtagsMinorVersion >= 5) let g:CtagsSupportedFileTypes = strtrans(system(l:rpath . \ " -x --list-languages")) endif endif return l:rpath endfunction " Display a simple help window. function! DisplayHelp() echo "ShowFunc Help: \n". \ " c Close \n". \ " r Refresh \n". \ " s Change Scan Sort \n". \ " t Change Scan Type \n" endfunction " Watch for last window and if its a CWindow, then close (vimtip#536). function! LastWindow() if ( &buftype == "quickfix" ) if winbufnr(2) == -1 quit! endif endif endfunction " Determine the best window height for the new cwindow and open it. function! s:OpenCWin() let l:mod_total = 0 let l:win_count = 1 " Determine correct window height windo let l:win_count = l:win_count + 1 if l:win_count <= 2 | let l:win_count = 4 | endif windo let l:mod_total = l:mod_total + winheight(0)/l:win_count | \ execute 'resize +'.l:mod_total " Open cwindow execute 'belowright copen '.l:mod_total let l:cwin_filelen = line("$") " Test for short output lists. if l:cwin_filelen < winheight(0) cclose " And adjust cwindow height accordingly. execute 'belowright copen '.l:cwin_filelen endif if v:version >= 700 setlocal statusline=ShowFunc.vim\ Tag\ List endif " Set cwindow specific key mappings. nnoremap c :cclose nnoremap h :call DisplayHelp() nnoremap r :call ShowFuncOpen() nnoremap s :call ChangeSortType() nnoremap t :call ChangeScanType() set nobuflisted return endfunction " Set Folds by filename. function! s:ShowFuncFolds() let l:test_line = getline(v:lnum) let l:test_filename = strpart(l:test_line,0,stridx(l:test_line,'|')) if g:FoldFileName == '' let g:FoldFileName = l:test_filename return ">1" elseif g:FoldFileName == l:test_filename return "=" else let g:FoldFileName = l:test_filename return ">1" endif endfunction " Set FoldText to filename and tag count. function! ShowFuncFoldText() let l:line = "" let l:textwidth = &textwidth - 20 let l:line = getline(v:foldstart) let l:line = strpart(l:line,0,stridx(l:line,'|')) if strlen(l:line) < l:textwidth let l:count = 59 - strlen(l:subline) while strlen(l:line) < l:textwidth let l:line = l:line." " endwhile endif let l:tag_count = v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1 if l:tag_count <= 9 return v:folddashes."+ File: ".l:line." Tags: ". l:tag_count." " elseif l:tag_count <= 99 return v:folddashes."+ File: ".l:line." Tags: ". l:tag_count." " elseif l:tag_count <= 999 return v:folddashes."+ File: ".l:line." Tags: ". l:tag_count." " else return v:folddashes."+ File: ".l:line." Tags: ". l:tag_count." " endif endfunction " Set ctags options to call. function! s:SetGrepPrg(sort) if g:CtagsMinorVersion < 5 if ( &filetype == "asm" || &filetype == "asp" || &filetype == "awk" || \ &filetype == "beta" || &filetype == "c" || &filetype == "cobol" || \ &filetype == "eiffel" || &filetype == "fortran" || &filetype == "java" || \ &filetype == "lisp" || &filetype == "lua" || &filetype == "make" || \ &filetype == "pascal" || &filetype == "perl" || &filetype == "php" || \ &filetype == "python" || &filetype == "rexx" || &filetype == "ruby" || \ &filetype == "scheme" || &filetype == "sh" || &filetype == "slang" || \ &filetype == "sql" || &filetype == "tcl" || &filetype == "vera" || \ &filetype == "verilog" || &filetype == "vim" || &filetype == "yacc" ) let l:grep_return = g:showfuncctagsbin .' -x --language-force=' . &filetype . \ ' --sort=' . a:sort elseif &filetype == "cpp" let l:grep_return = g:showfuncctagsbin .' -x --language-force=c++ --sort=' . \ a:sort else return "fail" endif else if &filetype == "cpp" | let l:cfiletype = "c++" else | let l:cfiletype = &filetype | endif let l:filetest = s:TestFileType(l:cfiletype) if l:filetest != "false" if exists("g:ShowFunc_{&filetype}_Kinds") let l:grep_return = g:showfuncctagsbin . ' -x --language-force=' . \ l:cfiletype . ' --' . &filetype . '-kinds=' . \ g:ShowFunc_{&filetype}_Kinds . ' --sort=' . a:sort else let l:grep_return = g:showfuncctagsbin . ' -x --language-force=' . \ l:cfiletype . ' --sort=' . a:sort endif else | let l:grep_return = "fail" | endif endif return l:grep_return endfunction function! ShowFuncOpen() set lazyredraw " Close any existing cwindows. cclose if &lines >= 8 let l:count = 0 let l:gf_s = &grepformat let l:gp_s = &grepprg set grepformat&vim set grepprg&vim let &grepformat = '%*\k%*\s%t%*\k%*\s%l%*\s%f\ %m' if ( g:ShowFuncScanType == "buffers" ) " Scan all open buffers. let l:currbuf = bufnr("%") bufdo! let &grepprg = s:SetGrepPrg(g:ShowFuncSortType) | \ if &grepprg != "fail" | if &readonly == 0 | update | endif | \ if l:count == 0 | silent! grep! % | let l:count = l:count + 1 | \ else | silent! grepadd! % | endif | endif execute 'buffer '.l:currbuf elseif g:ShowFuncScanType == "windows" " Scan all open windows. windo let &grepprg = s:SetGrepPrg(g:ShowFuncSortType) | \ if &grepprg != "fail" | if &readonly == 0 | update | endif | \ if l:count == 0 | silent! grep! %| let l:count = l:count + 1 | \ else | silent! grepadd! % | endif | endif elseif g:ShowFuncScanType == "current" " Scan current buffer only. let &grepprg = s:SetGrepPrg(g:ShowFuncSortType) if &grepprg != "fail" if &readonly == 0 | update | endif silent! grep! % else echohl WarningMsg echo "ShowFunc Error: Unknown FileType" echohl none endif endif let &grepformat = l:gf_s let &grepprg = l:gp_s execute s:OpenCWin() if ( g:ShowFuncScanType == "buffers" || g:ShowFuncScanType == "windows" ) " Do folding. let g:FoldFileName = '' setlocal foldexpr=s:ShowFuncFolds() setlocal foldmethod=expr setlocal foldtext=ShowFuncFoldText() endif else echohl WarningMsg echo "ShowFunc Error: Window too small.\n" echohl none endif set nolazyredraw redraw! endfunction " Test for supported filetype. function! s:TestFileType(type) let l:supportedfiles = g:CtagsSupportedFileTypes while l:supportedfiles != "^@" && l:supportedfiles != "" let l:sfcut = strpart(l:supportedfiles,0,stridx(l:supportedfiles,"^@")) if l:sfcut ==? a:type return "true" endif let l:supportedfiles = strpart(l:supportedfiles, \ stridx(l:supportedfiles,'^@')+2) endwhile return "false" endfunction " }}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Test Environment: {{{ " Test Ctags Binary to be sure its the correct version. if exists("g:showfuncctagsbin") let g:showfuncctagsbin = s:CtagsTest(g:showfuncctagsbin) endif if (!exists("g:showfuncctagsbin") || g:showfuncctagsbin == "fail") let g:showfuncctagsbin = s:CtagsTest("unk") endif " If a suitable ctags binary cannot be found, remove autocommands, clear " functions and exit script. if g:showfuncctagsbin == "fail" echo "ShowFunc exting. (Cleaning up functions)" let g:loaded_showfunc = 0 augroup! showfunc_autocmd delfunction ChangeScanType delfunction ChangeSortType delfunction s:CtagsTest delfunction s:CtagsVersionTest delfunction DisplayHelp delfunction LastWindow delfunction s:OpenCWin delfunction s:ShowFuncFolds delfunction s:ShowFuncFoldText delfunction s:SetGrepPrg delfunction ShowFuncOpen delfunction s:TestFileType finish endif " }}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Key Mappings: {{{ " To change the main key mapping, add this to your .vimrc file: " map ShowFunc if ( !hasmapto('ShowFunc') && (maparg('') == '') ) map ShowFunc map! ShowFunc elseif !hasmapto('ShowFunc') if ( !has("gui_running") || has("win32") ) echo "ShowFunc Error: No Key mapped.\n". \ " is taken and a replacement was not assigned." endif let g:loaded_showfunc = 0 finish endif noremap ShowFunc :call ShowFuncOpen() noremap! ShowFunc :call ShowFuncOpen() " Note: Cwindow specific key mappings can be found in the OpenCWin function. }}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Known Issues: {{{ " 1. Error messages that occur as gvim is loading (on Linux) do not display in " GUI windows. When called from a menu or icon, it appears that gvim is hung " (it appears in the ps listings but no window appears). To avoid this I " have disabled the display of errors during gvim loading and the ShowFunc " script simply exits. " }}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Feature Wishlist: {{{ " 1. If scan is set to "current", make cwindow update on buffer change (except " to the cwindow) " 2. Window size ratios should remain the same as ShowFunc opens and closes. " 3. Patch vim to allow for setlocal statusline. " 4. Expand error format format so that the tag type is grabbed by grep. " }}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Notes: {{{ " 1. Best veiwed with AutoFold.vim (vimscript#925) and ShowFunc.vim " (vimscript#397). " }}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Version History: {{{ " 1.0 08-24-2002 Initial Release. " 1.1 08-26-2002 Patches to Fortran (thanks to Ajit Thakkar), Pascal, " and Python support. " 1.1.1 08-26-2002 Fixed copy&paste errors. ooops. " 1.1.2 08-27-2002 Removed the Python patch. " 1.1.3 08-31-2002 Fixed Fortran and Pascal patches, Thanks to Ajit Thakkar, " and Engelbert Gruber. " 1.2 09-22-2002 Fixed redraw bug so that it works with the Winmanager " (vimscript#95) and Bufexplorer (vimscript#42) scripts. " 1.2.1 10-17-2002 Added unknown filetype handling. Added status messages " ('ShowFunc:'). Fixed key-mappings. " 1.3Beta 11-16-2002 Beta: Multiple file handling. Restructured script. " 1.3Beta2 11-20-2002 Beta: Fixed Multiple file cwindow refresh issue (grep " vs. grepadd). " 1.3Beta3 11-29-2002 Beta: Split SetFileType into two ( SetGrepFormat, and " SetGrepPrg ). Set &...&vim to insure proper '\ multiline " translation. Added keymapping testing to protect against " conflicting with existing user configurations and to make " it easy to remap when necessary. Thanks to Luc Hermitte " 1.3 12-01-2002 Fixed buffer display issue (Thanks to vimtip#133). Fixed " window height test for TestWinH and OpenCWin. Changed " MultiWin (scans all open windows) to MultiBuf (scans all " open buffers). Basic multiple file handling is complete. " 1.4 12-21-2002 Changed user interface. Eliminated multiple key-mappings. " Pressing F1 runs the default scan, and opens the cwindow. " Scan sort and type can be changed by pressing the s and t " keys respectively. Unifed scan types into one function " (ShowFuncOpen) and bought back the all open windows scan. " 1.4.1 01-19-2003 Fixed multi-window scan display issue. Improved dynamic " cwindow sizing. Added basic help dialog. " 1.4.2 03-13-2003 Rewrote the SetGrepFormat and SetGrepPrg functions. Added " support for all tags for all languages that Exburent " Ctags (ver. 5.4) supports. " 1.4.3 03-15-2003 Automatically fold output on filename for multiple file " scans (all buffers or windows). " 1.4.4 03-17-2003 Improved error handling. Improved SetFoldText(). " 1.4.5 03-22-2003 More error handling improvements, including tests for the " correct version of ctags, and keymap assignment. I want " to thank Mark Thomas for his assistance in finding and " fixing a bug in the ctags executable detection on Windows. " 1.5 09-21-2003 Created a more generic grep format so that explicit type " definitions are no longer necessary (eliminating the " SetGrepFormat function). Modified the SetGrepPrg function " to detect Ctags versions earlier than 5.5. Supportted " filetypes for Ctags versions 5.4 are statically " assigned. " With Ctags versions 5.5 (and later) supported filetypes " are detected dynamically (including those defined by " regular expressions (--regex-). " 1.5.1 09-25-2003 Bug Fixes. " 1.5.2 10-06-2003 Improved Exuberant Ctags version checking. " 1.5.3 10-15-2004 Fixed ShowFuncFoldText. " 1.5.4 01-13-2005 Script cleanup. Added MyLastWindow function (when " closing windows, tests last window to see if its a " Cwindow, if it is then close vim session). " 1.5.5 07-20-2005 Patches from two Windows users (David Rennalls and Bill " McCarthy). Fixes in cleanup, documentaion, and autocmds. " 1.5.6 02-28-2006 First Vim 7 patches. Added setlocal statusline support " to update the cwindow name. " 1.5.7 03-27-2006 Per request by Diederik Van der Boor, added ability to " filter the variables kinds that ctags outputs (ver 5.5 " or newer). " " }}} " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " vim:tw=80:ts=2:sw=2: