" Filetype plugin for editing CSV files. "{{{1 " Author: Christian Brabandt " Version: 0.24 " Script: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2830 " License: VIM License " Last Change: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 21:16:30 +0200 " Documentation: see :help ft-csv.txt " GetLatestVimScripts: 2830 23 :AutoInstall: csv.vim " " Some ideas are taken from the wiki http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/VimTip667 " though, implementation differs. " Plugin folklore "{{{2 if v:version < 700 || exists('b:did_ftplugin') finish endif let b:did_ftplugin = 1 let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " Function definitions: "{{{2 fu! Warn(mess) "{{{3 echohl WarningMsg echomsg "CSV: " . a:mess echohl Normal endfu fu! Init() "{{{3 " Hilight Group for Columns if exists("g:csv_hiGroup") let s:hiGroup = g:csv_hiGroup else let s:hiGroup="WildMenu" endif if !exists("g:csv_hiHeader") let s:hiHeader = "Title" else let s:hiHeader = g:csv_hiHeader endif exe "hi link CSVHeaderLine" s:hiHeader " Determine default Delimiter if !exists("g:csv_delim") let b:delimiter=GetDelimiter() else let b:delimiter=g:csv_delim endif " Define custom commentstring if !exists("g:csv_comment") let b:csv_cmt = split(&cms, '%s') else let b:csv_cmt = split(g:csv_comment, '%s') endif if empty(b:delimiter) && !exists("b:csv_fixed_width") call Warn("No delimiter found. See :h csv-delimiter to set it manually!") " Use a sane default as delimiter: let b:delimiter = ',' endif let s:del='\%(' . b:delimiter . '\|$\)' " Pattern for matching a single column if !exists("g:csv_strict_columns") && !exists("g:csv_col") \ && !exists("b:csv_fixed_width") " - Allow double quotes as escaped quotes only insides double quotes " - Allow linebreaks only, if g:csv_nl isn't set (this is " only allowed in double quoted strings see RFC4180), though this " does not work with :WhatColumn and might mess up syntax " highlighting. " - optionally allow whitespace in front of the fields (to make it " work with :ArrangeCol (that is actually not RFC4180 valid)) " - Should work with most ugly solutions that are available let b:col='\%(\%(\%(' . (b:delimiter !~ '\s' ? '\s*' : '') . \ '"\%(' . (exists("g:csv_nl") ? '\_' : '' ) . \ '[^"]\|""\)*"\)' . s:del . '\)\|\%(' . \ '[^' . b:delimiter . ']*' . s:del . '\)\)' elseif !exists("g:csv_col") && exists("g:csv_strict_columns") " strict columns let b:col='\%([^' . b:delimiter . ']*' . s:del . '\)' elseif exists("b:csv_fixed_width") " Fixed width column let b:col='' " Check for sane default if b:csv_fixed_width =~? '[^0-9,]' call Warn("Please specify the list of character columns" . \ "like this: '1,3,5'. See also :h csv-fixedwidth") return endif let b:csv_fixed_width_cols=split(b:csv_fixed_width, ',') " Force evaluating as numbers call map(b:csv_fixed_width_cols, 'v:val+0') else " User given column definition let b:col = g:csv_col endif " undo when setting a new filetype let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal sol< tw< wrap<" \ . "| setl fen< fdm< fdl< fdc< fml<" " CSV local settings setl nostartofline tw=0 nowrap if has("conceal") setl cole=2 cocu=nc let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| setl cole< cocu< ' endif " define buffer-local commands call CommandDefinitions() " Check Header line " Defines which line is considered to be a header line call CheckHeaderLine() " CSV specific mappings call CSVMappings() " force reloading CSV Syntax Highlighting if exists("b:current_syntax") unlet b:current_syntax " Force reloading syntax file endif call DoAutoCommands() " enable CSV Menu call Menu(1) call DisableFolding() silent do Syntax " Remove configuration variables let b:undo_ftplugin .= "| unlet! b:delimiter b:col" \ . "| unlet! b:csv_fixed_width_cols b:csv_filter" \ . "| unlet! b:csv_fixed_width b:csv_list b:col_width" \ . "| unlet! b:csv_SplitWindow b:csv_headerline" \ . "| unlet! b:csv_thousands_sep b:csv_decimal_sep" " Delete all functions " disabled currently, because otherwise when switching ft " I think, the functions wouldn't be available anymore " " let b:undo_ftplugin .= "| delf Warn | delf Init | " \ delf GetPat | delf SearchColumn | delf DelColumn | " \ delf HiCol | delf GetDelimiter | delf WColumn | " \ delf MaxColumns | delf ColWidth | delf ArCol | " \ delf PrepUnArCol | delf UnArCol | " \ delf CalculateColumnWidth | delf Columnize | " \ delf GetColPat | delf SplitHeaderLine | " \ delf SplitHeaderToggle | delf MoveCol | " \ delf SortComplete | delf SortList | delf Sort | " \ delf CSV_WCol | delf CopyCol | delf MoveColumn | " \ delf SumColumn csv#EvalColumn | delf DoForEachColumn | " \ delf PrepareDoForEachColumn | delf CSVMappings | " \ delf Map | delf EscapeValue | delf FoldValue | " \ delf PrepareFolding | delf OutputFilters | " \ delf SortFilter | delf GetColumn | " \ delf RemoveLastItem | delf DisableFolding | " \ delf GetSID | delf CheckHeaderLine | " \ delf AnalyzeColumn | delf Vertfold | " \ delf InitCSVFixedWidth | delf LocalCmd | " \ delf CommandDefinitions | delf NumberFormat | " \ delf NewRecord | delf MoveOver | delf Menu | " \ delf NewDelimiter | delf DuplicateRows | delf IN | " \ delf SaveOptions | delf CheckDuplicates | " \ delf CompleteColumnNr | delf CSVPat | delf Transpose endfu fu! DoAutoCommands() "{{{3 " Highlight column, on which the cursor is? if exists("g:csv_highlight_column") && g:csv_highlight_column =~? 'y' && \ !exists("#CSV_HI#CursorMoved") aug CSV_HI au! au CursorMoved HiColumn aug end " Set highlighting for column, on which the cursor is currently HiColumn elseif exists("#CSV_HI#CursorMoved") aug CSV_HI au! CursorMoved aug end aug! CSV_HI " Remove any existing highlighting HiColumn! endif " undo autocommand: let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| exe "sil! au! CSV_HI CursorMoved "' let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| exe "sil! aug! CSV_HI" |exe "sil! HiColumn!"' " Visually arrange columns when opening a csv file if exists("g:csv_autocmd_arrange") && \ !exists("#CSV_Edit#BufReadPost") aug CSV_Edit au! au BufReadPost,BufWritePost *.csv,*.dat :sil %ArrangeColumn au BufWritePre *.csv,*.dat :sil %UnArrangeColumn aug end elseif exists("#CSV_Edit#BufReadPost") aug CSV_Edit au! aug end aug! CSV_Edit endif " undo autocommand: let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| exe "sil! au! CSV_Edit BufRead,BufWritePost,BufWritePre *.csv,*.dat "' let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| exe "sil! aug! CSV_Edit"' if !exists("#CSV#ColorScheme") " Make sure, syntax highlighting is applied " after changing the colorscheme augroup CSV au! au ColorScheme *.csv,*.dat,*.tsv,*.tab do Syntax augroup end endif let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| exe "sil! au! CSV ColorScheme *.csv,*.dat "' let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| exe "sil! aug! CSV"' if has("gui_running") && !exists("#CSV_Menu#FileType") augroup CSV_Menu au! au FileType csv call Menu(1) au BufEnter call Menu(1) " enable au BufLeave call Menu(0) " disable augroup END "let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| sil! amenu disable CSV' let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| sil! call Menut(0)' endif endfu fu! GetPat(colnr, maxcolnr, pat) "{{{3 if a:colnr > 1 && a:colnr < a:maxcolnr if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") return '^' . GetColPat(a:colnr-1,0) . '\%([^' . \ b:delimiter . ']*\)\?\zs' . a:pat . '\ze' . \ '\%([^' . b:delimiter .']*\)\?' . \ b:delimiter . GetColPat(a:maxcolnr - a:colnr, 0) . \ '$' else return '\%' . b:csv_fixed_width_cols[(a:colnr - 1)] . 'c\zs' \ . a:pat . '.\{-}\ze\%' \ . (b:csv_fixed_width_cols[a:colnr]) . 'c\ze' endif elseif a:colnr == a:maxcolnr if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") return '^' . GetColPat(a:colnr - 1,0) . \ '\%([^' . b:delimiter . \ ']*\)\?\zs' . a:pat . '\ze' else return '\%' . b:csv_fixed_width_cols[-1] . \ 'c\zs' . a:pat . '\ze' endif else " colnr = 1 if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") return '^' . '\%([^' . b:delimiter . ']*\)\?\zs' . a:pat . \ '\ze\%([^' . b:delimiter . ']*\)\?' . b:delimiter . \ GetColPat(a:maxcolnr -1 , 0) . '$' else return a:pat . '\ze.\{-}\%' . b:csv_fixed_width_cols[1] . 'c' endif endif return '' endfu fu! SearchColumn(arg) "{{{3 try let arglist=split(a:arg) if len(arglist) == 1 let colnr=WColumn() let pat=substitute(arglist[0], '^\(.\)\(.*\)\1$', '\2', '') if pat == arglist[0] throw "E684" endif else let colnr=arglist[0] let pat=substitute(arglist[1], '^\(.\)\(.*\)\1$', '\2', '') if pat == arglist[1] throw "E684" endif endif "catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E684/ catch /E684/ " catch error index out of bounds call Warn("Error! Usage :SearchInColumn [] /pattern/") return 1 endtry let maxcolnr = MaxColumns() if colnr > maxcolnr call Warn("There exists no column " . colnr) return 1 endif let @/ = GetPat(colnr, maxcolnr, pat) try norm! n catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E486/ " Pattern not found echohl Error echomsg "E486: Pattern not found in column " . colnr . ": " . pat if &vbs > 0 echomsg substitute(v:exception, '^[^:]*:', '','') endif echohl Normal endtry endfu fu! DeleteColumn(arg) "{{{3 let _wsv = winsaveview() if a:arg =~ '^[/]' let i = 0 let pat = a:arg[1:] call cursor(1,1) while search(pat, 'cW') " Delete matching column sil call DelColumn('') let i+=1 endw else let i = 1 sil call DelColumn(a:arg) endif if i > 1 call Warn(printf("%d columns deleted", i)) else call Warn("1 column deleted") endif call winrestview(_wsv) endfu fu! DelColumn(colnr) "{{{3 let maxcolnr = MaxColumns() let _p = getpos('.') if empty(a:colnr) let colnr=WColumn() else let colnr=a:colnr endif if colnr > maxcolnr call Warn("There exists no column " . colnr) return endif if colnr != '1' if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let pat= '^' . GetColPat(colnr-1,1) . b:col else let pat= GetColPat(colnr,0) endif else " distinction between csv and fixed width does not matter here let pat= '^' . GetColPat(colnr,0) endif if &ro let ro = 1 setl noro else let ro = 0 endif exe ':%s/' . escape(pat, '/') . '//' call setpos('.', _p) if ro setl ro endif endfu fu! HiCol(colnr, bang) "{{{3 if a:colnr > MaxColumns() && !a:bang call Warn("There exists no column " . a:colnr) return endif if !a:bang if empty(a:colnr) let colnr=WColumn() else let colnr=a:colnr endif if colnr==1 let pat='^'. GetColPat(colnr,0) elseif !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let pat='^'. GetColPat(colnr-1,1) . b:col else let pat=GetColPat(colnr,0) endif endif if exists("*matchadd") if exists("s:matchid") " ignore errors, that come from already deleted matches sil! call matchdelete(s:matchid) endif " Additionally, filter all matches, that could have been used earlier let matchlist=getmatches() call filter(matchlist, 'v:val["group"] !~ s:hiGroup') call setmatches(matchlist) if a:bang return endif let s:matchid=matchadd(s:hiGroup, pat, 0) elseif !a:bang exe ":2match " . s:hiGroup . ' /' . pat . '/' endif endfu fu! GetDelimiter() "{{{3 if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let _cur = getpos('.') let _s = @/ let Delim= {0: ';', 1: ',', 2: '|', 3: ' '} let temp = {} " :silent :s does not work with lazyredraw let _lz = &lz set nolz for i in values(Delim) redir => temp[i] exe "silent! %s/" . i . "/&/nge" redir END endfor let &lz = _lz let Delim = map(temp, 'matchstr(substitute(v:val, "\n", "", ""), "^\\d\\+")') let Delim = filter(temp, 'v:val=~''\d''') let max = max(values(temp)) let result=[] call setpos('.', _cur) let @/ = _s for [key, value] in items(Delim) if value == max return key endif endfor return '' else " There is no delimiter for fixedwidth files return '' endif endfu fu! WColumn(...) "{{{3 " Return on which column the cursor is let _cur = getpos('.') if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let line=getline('.') " move cursor to end of field "call search(b:col, 'ec', line('.')) call search(b:col, 'ec') let end=col('.')-1 let fields=(split(line[0:end],b:col.'\zs')) let ret=len(fields) if exists("a:1") && a:1 > 0 " bang attribute let head = split(getline(1),b:col.'\zs') " remove preceeding whitespace let ret = substitute(head[ret-1], '^\s\+', '', '') " remove delimiter let ret = substitute(ret, b:delimiter. '$', '', '') endif else let temp=getpos('.')[2] let j=1 let ret = 1 for i in sort(b:csv_fixed_width_cols, "SortList") if temp >= i let ret = j endif let j += 1 endfor endif call setpos('.',_cur) return ret endfu fu! MaxColumns(...) "{{{3 if exists("a:0") && a:0 == 1 let this_col = 1 else let this_col = 0 endif "return maximum number of columns in first 10 lines if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") if this_col let i = a:1 else let i = 1 endif while 1 let l = getline(i, i+10) " Filter comments out let pat = '^\s*\V'. escape(b:csv_cmt[0], '\\') call filter(l, 'v:val !~ pat') if !empty(l) || this_col break else let i+=10 endif endw if empty(l) throw 'csv:no_col' endif let fields=[] let result=0 for item in l let temp=len(split(item, b:col.'\zs')) let result=(temp>result ? temp : result) endfor return result else return len(b:csv_fixed_width_cols) endif endfu fu! ColWidth(colnr) "{{{3 " Return the width of a column " Internal function let width=20 "Fallback (wild guess) let tlist=[] if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") if !exists("b:csv_list") let b:csv_list=getline(1,'$') let pat = '^\s*\V'. escape(b:csv_cmt[0], '\\') call filter(b:csv_list, 'v:val !~ pat') call map(b:csv_list, 'split(v:val, b:col.''\zs'')') endif try for item in b:csv_list call add(tlist, item[a:colnr-1]) endfor " we have a list of the first 10 rows " Now transform it to a list of field a:colnr " and then return the maximum strlen " That could be done in 1 line, but that would look ugly "call map(list, 'split(v:val, b:col."\\zs")[a:colnr-1]') call map(tlist, 'substitute(v:val, ".", "x", "g")') call map(tlist, 'strlen(v:val)') return max(tlist) catch throw "ColWidth-error" return width endtry elseif a:colnr > 0 return b:csv_fixed_width_cols[a:colnr] - b:csv_fixed_width_cols[(a:colnr - 1)] endif endfu fu! ArrangeCol(first, last, bang) range "{{{3 "TODO: Why doesn't that work? " is this because of the range flag? " It's because of the way, Vim works with " a:firstline and a:lastline parameter, therefore " explicitly give the range as argument to the function if exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") " Nothing to do call Warn("ArrangeColumn does not work with fixed width column!") return endif let cur=winsaveview() if a:bang || !exists("b:col_width") " Force recalculation of Column width call CalculateColumnWidth() endif if &ro " Just in case, to prevent the Warning " Warning: W10: Changing read-only file let ro = 1 setl noro else let ro = 0 endif exe a:first . ',' . a:last .'s/' . (b:col) . \ '/\=Columnize(submatch(0))/' . (&gd ? '' : 'g') " Clean up variables, that were only needed for Columnize() function unlet! s:columnize_count s:max_cols s:prev_line if ro setl ro unlet ro endif call winrestview(cur) endfu fu! PrepUnArrangeCol(first, last) "{{{3 " Because of the way, Vim works with " a:firstline and a:lastline parameter, " explicitly give the range as argument to the function if exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") " Nothing to do call Warn("UnArrangeColumn does not work with fixed width column!") return endif let cur=winsaveview() if &ro " Just in case, to prevent the Warning " Warning: W10: Changing read-only file setl noro endif exe a:first . ',' . a:last .'s/' . (b:col) . \ '/\=UnArrangeCol(submatch(0))/' . (&gd ? '' : 'g') " Clean up variables, that were only needed for Columnize() function call winrestview(cur) endfu fu! UnArrangeCol(match) "{{{3 " Strip leading white space, also trims empty records: return substitute(a:match, '^\s\+', '', '') " only strip leading white space, if a non-white space follows: "return substitute(a:match, '^\s\+\ze\S', '', '') endfu fu! CalculateColumnWidth() "{{{3 " Internal function, not called from external, " does not work with fixed width columns let b:col_width=[] " Force recalculating the Column width unlet! b:csv_list let s:max_cols=MaxColumns() try for i in range(1,s:max_cols) call add(b:col_width, ColWidth(i)) endfor catch /ColWidth/ call Warn("Error: getting Column Width, using default!") endtry " delete buffer content in variable b:csv_list, " this was only necessary for calculating the max width unlet! b:csv_list endfu fu! Columnize(field) "{{{3 " Internal function, not called from external, " does not work with fixed width columns if !exists("s:columnize_count") let s:columnize_count = 0 endif if !exists("s:max_cols") let s:max_cols = len(b:col_width) endif if exists("s:prev_line") && s:prev_line != line('.') let s:columnize_count = 0 endif let s:prev_line = line('.') " convert zero based indexed list to 1 based indexed list, " Default: 20 width, in case that column width isn't defined " Careful: Keep this fast! Using " let width=get(b:col_width,WColumn()-1,20) " is too slow, so we are using: let width=get(b:col_width, (s:columnize_count % s:max_cols), 20) let s:columnize_count += 1 if !exists("g:csv_no_multibyte") && \ match(a:field, '[^ -~]') != -1 " match characters outside the ascii range let a = split(a:field, '\zs') let add = eval(join(map(a, 'len(v:val)'), '+')) let add -= len(a) else let add = 0 endif " Add one for the frame " plus additional width for multibyte chars, " since printf(%*s..) uses byte width! let width = width + add + 1 if width == strlen(a:field) " Column has correct length, don't use printf() return a:field else return printf("%*s", width , a:field) endif endfun fu! GetColPat(colnr, zs_flag) "{{{3 " Return Pattern for given column if a:colnr > 1 if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let pat=b:col . '\{' . (a:colnr) . '\}' else if a:colnr >= len(b:csv_fixed_width_cols) " Get last column let pat='\%' . b:csv_fixed_width_cols[-1] . 'c.*' else let pat='\%' . b:csv_fixed_width_cols[(a:colnr - 1)] . \ 'c.\{-}\%' . b:csv_fixed_width_cols[a:colnr] . 'c' endif endif elseif !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let pat=b:col else let pat='\%' . b:csv_fixed_width_cols[0] . 'c.\{-}' . \ (len(b:csv_fixed_width_cols) > 1 ? \ '\%' . b:csv_fixed_width_cols[1] . 'c' : \ '') endif return pat . (a:zs_flag ? '\zs' : '') endfu fu! SplitHeaderLine(lines, bang, hor) "{{{3 if exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") call Warn("Header does not work with fixed width column!") return endif " Check that there exists a header line call CheckHeaderLine() if !a:bang " A Split Header Window already exists, " first close the already existing Window if exists("b:csv_SplitWindow") call SplitHeaderLine(a:lines, 1, a:hor) endif " Split Window let _stl = &l:stl let _sbo = &sbo if a:hor setl scrollopt=hor scrollbind let lines = empty(a:lines) ? s:csv_fold_headerline : a:lines abo sp 1 exe "resize" . lines setl scrollopt=hor scrollbind winfixheight "let &l:stl=repeat(' ', winwidth(0)) let &l:stl="%#Normal#".repeat(' ',winwidth(0)) " Highlight first row let win = winnr() else setl scrollopt=ver scrollbind 0 let b=b:col let a=[] let a=CopyCol('',1) " Force recalculating columns width unlet! b:csv_list try let width = ColWidth(1) catch /ColWidth/ call Warn("Error: getting Column Width, using default!") endtry let b=b:col abo vsp +enew let b:col=b call append(0, a) $d _ sil %s/.*/\=printf("%.*s", width, submatch(0))/eg 0 exe "vert res" width setl scrollopt=ver scrollbind winfixwidth setl buftype=nowrite bufhidden=hide noswapfile nobuflisted let win = winnr() endif call matchadd("CSVHeaderLine", b:col) exe "wincmd p" let b:csv_SplitWindow = win else " Close split window if !exists("b:csv_SplitWindow") return endif exe b:csv_SplitWindow . "wincmd w" if exists("_stl") let &l_stl = _stl endif if exists("_sbo") let &sbo = _sbo endif setl noscrollbind wincmd c unlet! b:csv_SplitWindow endif endfu fu! SplitHeaderToggle(hor) "{{{3 if !exists("b:csv_SplitWindow") :call SplitHeaderLine(1,0,a:hor) else :call SplitHeaderLine(1,1,a:hor) endif endfu " TODO: from here on add logic for fixed-width csv files! fu! MoveCol(forward, line) "{{{3 " Move cursor position upwards/downwards left/right let colnr=WColumn() let maxcol=MaxColumns() let cpos=getpos('.')[2] if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") call search(b:col, 'bc', line('.')) endif let spos=getpos('.')[2] " Check for valid column " a:forward == 1 : search next col " a:forward == -1: search prev col " a:forward == 0 : stay in col if colnr - v:count1 >= 1 && a:forward == -1 let colnr -= v:count1 elseif colnr - v:count1 < 1 && a:forward == -1 let colnr = 0 elseif colnr + v:count1 <= maxcol && a:forward == 1 let colnr += v:count1 elseif colnr + v:count1 > maxcol && a:forward == 1 let colnr = maxcol + 1 endif let line=a:line if line < 1 let line=1 elseif line > line('$') let line=line('$') endif " Generate search pattern if colnr == 1 let pat = '^' . GetColPat(colnr-1,0) "let pat = pat . '\%' . line . 'l' elseif (colnr == 0) || (colnr == maxcol + 1) if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let pat=b:col else if a:forward > 0 " Move forwards let pat=GetColPat(1, 0) else " Move backwards let pat=GetColPat(maxcol, 0) endif endif else if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let pat='^'. GetColPat(colnr-1,1) . b:col else let pat=GetColPat(colnr,0) endif "let pat = pat . '\%' . line . 'l' endif " Search " move left/right if a:forward > 0 call search(pat, 'W') elseif a:forward < 0 call search(pat, 'bWe') " Moving upwards/downwards elseif line >= line('.') call search(pat . '\%' . line . 'l', '', line) " Move to the correct screen column " This is a best effort approach, we might still " leave the column (if the next column is shorter) if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let a = getpos('.') let a[2]+= cpos-spos else let a = getpos('.') let a[2] = cpos endif call setpos('.', a) elseif line < line('.') call search(pat . '\%' . line . 'l', 'b', line) " Move to the correct screen column if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let a = getpos('.') let a[2]+= cpos-spos else let a = getpos('.') let a[2] = cpos endif call setpos('.', a) endif endfun fu! SortComplete(A,L,P) "{{{3 return join(range(1,MaxColumns()),"\n") endfun fu! SortList(a1, a2) "{{{3 return a:a1+0 == a:a2+0 ? 0 : a:a1+0 > a:a2+0 ? 1 : -1 endfu fu! Sort(bang, line1, line2, colnr) range "{{{3 let wsv=winsaveview() if a:colnr =~? 'n' let numeric = 1 else let numeric = 0 endif let col = (empty(a:colnr) || a:colnr !~? '\d\+') ? WColumn() : a:colnr+0 if col != 1 if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let pat= '^' . GetColPat(col-1,1) . b:col else let pat= '^' . GetColPat(col,0) endif else let pat= '^' . GetColPat(col,0) endif exe a:line1 ',' a:line2 . "sort" . (a:bang ? '!' : '') . \' r ' . (numeric ? 'n' : '') . ' /' . pat . '/' call winrestview(wsv) endfun fu! CSV_WCol(...) "{{{3 try if exists("a:1") && (a:1 == 'Name' || a:1 == 1) return printf("%s", WColumn(1)) else return printf(" %d/%d", WColumn(), MaxColumns()) endif catch return '' endtry endfun fu! CopyCol(reg, col) "{{{3 " Return Specified Column into register reg let col = a:col == "0" ? WColumn() : a:col+0 let mcol = MaxColumns() if col == '$' || col > mcol let col = mcol endif let a = [] " Don't get lines, that are currently filtered away if !exists("b:csv_filter") || empty(b:csv_filter) let a=getline(1, '$') else for line in range(1, line('$')) if foldlevel(line) continue else call add(a, getline(line)) endif endfor endif " Filter comments out let pat = '^\s*\V'. escape(b:csv_cmt[0], '\\') call filter(a, 'v:val !~ pat') if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") call map(a, 'split(v:val, ''^'' . b:col . ''\zs'')[col-1]') else call map(a, 'matchstr(v:val, GetColPat(col, 0))') endif if a:reg =~ '[-"0-9a-zA-Z*+]' "exe ':let @' . a:reg . ' = "' . join(a, "\n") . '"' " set the register to blockwise mode call setreg(a:reg, join(a, "\n"), 'b') else return a endif endfu fu! MoveColumn(start, stop, ...) range "{{{3 " Move column behind dest " Explicitly give the range as argument, " cause otherwise, Vim would move the cursor let wsv = winsaveview() let col = WColumn() let max = MaxColumns() " If no argument is given, move current column after last column let source=(exists("a:1") && a:1 > 0 && a:1 <= max ? a:1 : col) let dest =(exists("a:2") && a:2 > 0 && a:2 <= max ? a:2 : max) " translate 1 based columns into zero based list index let source -= 1 let dest -= 1 if source >= dest call Warn("Destination column before source column, aborting!") return endif " Swap line by line, instead of reading the whole range into memory for i in range(a:start, a:stop) let content = getline(i) if content =~ '^\s*\V'. escape(b:csv_cmt[0], '\\') " skip comments continue endif if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let fields=split(content, b:col . '\zs') else let fields=[] for j in range(1, max, 1) call add(fields, matchstr(content, GetColPat(j,0))) endfor endif " Add delimiter to destination column, in case there was none, " remove delimiter from source, in case destination did not have one if matchstr(fields[dest], '.$') !~? b:delimiter let fields[dest] = fields[dest] . b:delimiter if matchstr(fields[source], '.$') =~? b:delimiter let fields[source] = substitute(fields[source], \ '^\(.*\).$', '\1', '') endif endif let fields= (source == 0 ? [] : fields[0 : (source-1)]) \ + fields[ (source+1) : dest ] \ + [ fields[source] ] + fields[(dest+1):] call setline(i, join(fields, '')) endfor call winrestview(wsv) endfu fu! SumColumn(list) "{{{3 " Sum a list of values, but only consider the digits within each value " parses the digits according to the given format (if none has been " specified, assume POSIX format (without thousand separator) If Vim has " does not support floats, simply sum up only the integer part if empty(a:list) return 0 else let sum = has("float") ? 0.0 : 0 for item in a:list if empty(item) continue endif let nr = matchstr(item, '\d\(.*\d\)\?$') let format1 = '^\d\+\zs\V' . s:nr_format[0] . '\m\ze\d' let format2 = '\d\+\zs\V' . s:nr_format[1] . '\m\ze\d' try let nr = substitute(nr, format1, '', '') if has("float") && s:nr_format[1] != '.' let nr = substitute(nr, format2, '.', '') endif catch let nr = 0 endtry let sum += (has("float") ? str2float(nr) : (nr + 0)) endfor if has("float") if float2nr(sum) == sum return float2nr(sum) else return printf("%.2f", sum) endif endif return sum endif endfu fu! csv#EvalColumn(nr, func, first, last) range "{{{3 let save = winsaveview() call CheckHeaderLine() let nr = matchstr(a:nr, '^\d\+') let col = (empty(nr) ? WColumn() : nr) " don't take the header line into consideration let start = a:first - 1 + s:csv_fold_headerline let stop = a:last - 1 + s:csv_fold_headerline let column = CopyCol('', col)[start : stop] " Delete delimiter call map(column, 'substitute(v:val, b:delimiter . "$", "", "g")') call map(column, 'substitute(v:val, ''^\s\+$'', "", "g")') " Delete empty values " Leave this up to the function that does something " with each value "call filter(column, '!empty(v:val)') " parse the optional number format let format = matchstr(a:nr, '/[^/]*/') call NumberFormat() if !empty(format) try let s = [] " parse the optional number format let str = matchstr(format, '/\zs[^/]*\ze/', 0, start) let s = matchlist(str, '\(.\)\?:\(.\)\?')[1:2] if len(s) == 0 " Number format wrong call Warn("Numberformat wrong, needs to be /x:y/!") return '' endif if !empty(s[0]) let s:nr_format[0] = s[0] endif if !empty(s[1]) let s:nr_format[1] = s[1] endif endtry endif try let result=call(function(a:func), [column]) return result catch " Evaluation of expression failed echohl Title echomsg "Evaluating" matchstr(a:func, '[a-zA-Z]\+$') \ "failed for column" col . "!" echohl Normal return '' finally call winrestview(save) endtry endfu fu! DoForEachColumn(start, stop, bang) range "{{{3 " Do something for each column, " e.g. generate SQL-Statements, convert to HTML, " something like this " TODO: Define the function " needs a csv_pre_convert variable " csv_post_convert variable " csv_convert variable " result contains converted buffer content let result = [] if !exists("g:csv_convert") call Warn("You need to define how to convert your data using" . \ "the g:csv_convert variable, see :h csv-convert") return endif if exists("g:csv_pre_convert") && !empty(g:csv_pre_convert) call add(result, g:csv_pre_convert) endif for item in range(a:start, a:stop, 1) let t = g:csv_convert let line = getline(item) if line =~ '^\s*\V'. escape(b:csv_cmt[0], '\\') " Filter comments out call add(result, line) continue endif let context = split(g:csv_convert, '%s') let columns = len(context) if columns > MaxColumns() let columns = MaxColumns() elseif columns == 1 call Warn("No Columns defined in your g:csv_convert variable, Aborting") return endif if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") let fields=split(line, b:col . '\zs') if a:bang call map(fields, 'substitute(v:val, b:delimiter . \ ''\?$'' , "", "")') endif else let fields=[] for j in range(1, columns, 1) call add(fields, matchstr(line, GetColPat(j,0))) endfor endif for j in range(1, columns, 1) let t=substitute(t, '%s', fields[j-1], '') endfor call add(result, t) endfor if exists("g:csv_post_convert") && !empty(g:csv_post_convert) call add(result, g:csv_post_convert) endif new call append('$', result) 1d _ endfun fu! PrepareDoForEachColumn(start, stop, bang) range"{{{3 let pre = exists("g:csv_pre_convert") ? g:csv_pre_convert : '' let g:csv_pre_convert=input('Pre convert text: ', pre) let post = exists("g:csv_post_convert") ? g:csv_post_convert : '' let g:csv_post_convert=input('Post convert text: ', post) let convert = exists("g:csv_convert") ? g:csv_convert : '' let g:csv_convert=input("Converted text, use %s for column input:\n", convert) call DoForEachColumn(a:start, a:stop, a:bang) endfun fu! EscapeValue(val) "{{{3 return '\V' . escape(a:val, '\') endfu fu! FoldValue(lnum, filter) "{{{3 call CheckHeaderLine() if (a:lnum == s:csv_fold_headerline) " Don't fold away the header line return 0 endif let result = 0 for item in values(a:filter) " always fold comments away let content = getline(a:lnum) if content =~ '^\s*\V'. escape(b:csv_cmt[0], '\\') return 1 elseif eval('content' . (item.match ? '!~' : '=~') . 'item.pat') let result += 1 endif endfor return (result > 0) endfu fu! PrepareFolding(add, match) "{{{3 if !has("folding") return endif " Move folded-parts away? if exists("g:csv_move_folds") let s:csv_move_folds = g:csv_move_folds else let s:csv_move_folds = 0 endif if !exists("b:csv_filter") let b:csv_filter = {} endif if !exists("s:filter_count") || s:filter_count < 1 let s:filter_count = 0 endif let cpos = winsaveview() if !a:add " remove last added item from filter if len(b:csv_filter) > 0 call RemoveLastItem(s:filter_count) let s:filter_count -= 1 if len(b:csv_filter) == 0 call DisableFolding() return endif else " Disable folding, if no pattern available call DisableFolding() return endif else let col = WColumn() let max = MaxColumns() let a = GetColumn(line('.'), col) if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width") try " strip leading whitespace if (a =~ '\s\+'. b:delimiter . '$') let b = split(a, '^\s\+\ze[^' . b:delimiter. ']\+')[0] else let b = a endif catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E684/ " empty pattern - should match only empty columns let b = a endtry " strip trailing delimiter try let a = split(b, b:delimiter . '$')[0] catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E684/ let a = b endtry if a == b:delimiter try let a=repeat(' ', ColWidth(col)) catch " no-op endtry endif endif " Make a column pattern let b= '\%(' . \ (exists("b:csv_fixed_width") ? '.*' : '') . \ GetPat(col, max, EscapeValue(a) . '\m') . \ '\)' let s:filter_count += 1 let b:csv_filter[col] = { 'pat': b, 'id': s:filter_count, \ 'col': col, 'orig': a, 'match': a:match} endif " Put the pattern into the search register, so they will also " be highlighted " let @/ = '' " for val in sort(values(b:csv_filter), 'SortFilter') " let @/ .= val.pat . (val.id == s:filter_count ? '' : '\&') " endfor let sid = GetSID() " Don't put spaces between the arguments! exe 'setl foldexpr=' . sid . '_FoldValue(v:lnum,b:csv_filter)' "setl foldexpr=s:FoldValue(v:lnum,@/) " Be sure to also fold away single screen lines setl fen fdm=expr fdl=0 fdc=2 fml=0 "setl foldtext=substitute(v:folddashes,'-','\ ','g') let &foldtext=strlen(v:folddashes) . ' lines hidden' setl fillchars-=fold:- " Move folded area to the bottom, so there is only on consecutive " non-folded area if exists("s:csv_move_folds") && s:csv_move_folds \ && !&l:ro && &l:ma folddoclosed m$ let cpos.lnum = s:csv_fold_headerline + 1 endif call winrestview(cpos) endfu fu! OutputFilters(bang) "{{{3 if !a:bang call CheckHeaderLine() if s:csv_fold_headerline let title="Nr\tMatch\tCol\t Name\tValue" else let title="Nr\tMatch\tCol\tValue" endif echohl "Title" echo printf("%s", title) echo printf("%s", repeat("=",strdisplaywidth(title))) echohl "Normal" if !exists("b:csv_filter") || len(b:csv_filter) == 0 echo printf("%s", "No active filter") else let items = values(b:csv_filter) call sort(items, "SortFilter") for item in items if s:csv_fold_headerline echo printf("%02d\t% 2s\t%02d\t%10.10s\t%s", \ item.id, (item.match ? '+' : '-'), item.col, \ substitute(GetColumn(1, item.col), \ b:col.'$', '', ''), item.orig) else echo printf("%02d\t% 2s\t%02d\t%s", \ item.id, (item.match ? '+' : '-'), \ item.col, item.orig) endif endfor endif else " Reapply filter again if !exists("b:csv_filter") || len(b:csv_filter) == 0 call Warn("No filters defined currently!") return else let sid = GetSID() exe 'setl foldexpr=' . sid . '_FoldValue(v:lnum,b:csv_filter)' endif endif endfu fu! SortFilter(a, b) "{{{3 return a:a.id == a:b.id ? 0 : \ a:a.id > a:b.id ? 1 : -1 endfu fu! GetColumn(line, col) "{{{3 " Return Column content at a:line, a:col let a=getline(a:line) " Filter comments out if a =~ '^\s*\V'. escape(b:csv_cmt[0], '\\') return '' endif if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") try let a = split(a, '^' . b:col . '\zs')[a:col - 1] catch " index out of range let a = '' endtry else let a = matchstr(a, GetColPat(a:col, 0)) endif return substitute(a, '^\s\+\|\s\+$', '', 'g') endfu fu! RemoveLastItem(count) "{{{3 for [key,value] in items(b:csv_filter) if value.id == a:count call remove(b:csv_filter, key) endif endfor endfu fu! DisableFolding() "{{{3 setl nofen fdm=manual fdc=0 fdl=0 fillchars+=fold:- endfu fu! GetSID() "{{{3 if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has("patch032") return maparg('W', "", "", 1).sid else "return substitute(maparg('W'), '\(\d\+\)_', '\1', '') return matchstr(expand(''), '\zs\d\+\ze_GetSID$') endif endfu fu! NumberFormat() "{{{3 let s:nr_format = [',', '.'] if exists("b:csv_thousands_sep") let s:nr_format[0] = b:csv_thousands_sep endif if exists("b:csv_decimal_sep") let s:nr_format[1] = b:csv_decimal_sep endif endfu fu! CheckHeaderLine() "{{{3 if !exists("b:csv_headerline") let s:csv_fold_headerline = 1 else let s:csv_fold_headerline = b:csv_headerline endif endfu fu! AnalyzeColumn(...) "{{{3 let maxcolnr = MaxColumns() if len(a:000) == 1 let colnr = a:1 else let colnr = WColumn() endif if colnr > maxcolnr call Warn("There exists no column " . colnr) return 1 endif " Initialize s:fold_headerline call CheckHeaderLine() let data = CopyCol('', colnr)[s:csv_fold_headerline : -1] let qty = len(data) let res = {} for item in data if !get(res, item) let res[item] = 0 endif let res[item]+=1 endfor let max_items = reverse(sort(values(res))) if len(max_items) > 5 call remove(max_items, 5, -1) call filter(res, 'v:val =~ ''^''.join(max_items, ''\|'').''$''') endif if has("float") let title="Nr\tCount\t % \tValue" else let title="Nr\tCount\tValue" endif echohl "Title" echo printf("%s", title) echohl "Normal" echo printf("%s", repeat('=', strdisplaywidth(title))) let i=1 for val in max_items for key in keys(res) if res[key] == val && i <= len(max_items) if !empty(b:delimiter) let k = substitute(key, b:delimiter . '\?$', '', '') else let k = key endif if has("float") echo printf("%02d\t%02d\t%2.0f%%\t%.50s", i, res[key], \ ((res[key] + 0.0)/qty)*100, k) else echo printf("%02d\t%02d\t%.50s", i, res[key], k) endif call remove(res,key) let i+=1 else continue endif endfor endfor unlet max_items endfunc fu! Vertfold(bang, col) "{{{3 if a:bang do Syntax return endif if !has("conceal") call Warn("Concealing not supported in your Vim") return endif if empty(b:delimiter) && !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") call Warn("There are no columns defined, can't hide away anything!") return endif if empty(a:col) let colnr=WColumn() else let colnr=a:col endif let pat=GetPat(colnr, MaxColumns(), '.*') if exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") && \ pat !~ '^\^\.\*' " Make the pattern implicitly start at line start, " so it will be applied by syntax highlighting (:h :syn-priority) let pat='^.*' . pat endif let pat=substitute(pat, '\\zs\(\.\*\)\@=', '', '') if !empty(pat) exe "syn match CSVFold /" . pat . "/ conceal cchar=+" endif endfu fu! InitCSVFixedWidth() "{{{3 if !exists("+cc") " TODO: make this work with a custom matchadd() command for older " Vims, that don't have 'colorcolumn' call Warn("'colorcolumn' option not available") return endif " Turn off syntax highlighting syn clear let _cc = &l:cc let &l:cc = 1 redraw! let list = [] let tcc = &l:cc echo ", , , , ..." let char=getchar() while 1 if char == "\" || char == "\" let tcc = eval('tcc'.(char=="\" ? '-' : '+').'1') elseif char == "\" || char == 32 " Space call add(list, tcc) elseif char == "\" || char == 127 call remove(list, -1) elseif char == "\" || char == 27 let &l:cc=_cc redraw! return else break endif let &l:cc=tcc . (!empty(list)? ',' . join(list, ','):'') redraw! echo ", , , , ..." let char=getchar() endw if tcc > 0 call add(list,tcc) endif let b:csv_fixed_width_cols=[] let tcc=0 if !empty(list) call Break() " Remove duplicate entries for val in sort(list, "SortList") if val==tcc continue endif call add(b:csv_fixed_width_cols, val) let tcc=val endfor let b:csv_fixed_width=join(sort(b:csv_fixed_width_cols, \ "SortList"), ',') call Init() endif let &l:cc=_cc redraw! endfu fu! Break() return endfu fu! NewRecord(line1, line2, count) "{{{3 if a:count =~ "\D" call WarningMsg("Invalid count specified") return endif let cnt = (empty(a:count) ? 1 : a:count) let record = "" for item in range(1,MaxColumns()) if !exists("b:col_width") " Best guess width let record .= printf("%20s", b:delimiter) else let record .= printf("%*s", b:col_width[item-1]+1, b:delimiter) endif endfor if getline(1)[-1:] != b:delimiter let record = record[0:-2] . " " endif let line = [] for item in range(cnt) call add(line, record) endfor for nr in range(a:line1, a:line2) call append(nr, line) endfor endfu fu! MoveOver(outer) "{{{3 " Move over a field " a:outer means include the delimiter let last = 0 let mode = a:outer if WColumn() == MaxColumns() let last = 1 if !mode && getline('.')[-1:] != b:delimiter " No trailing delimiter, so inner == outer let mode = 1 endif endif " Use the mapped key exe ":sil! norm E" let _s = @/ if last exe "sil! norm! /" . b:col . "\v$h" . (mode ? "" : "\") else exe "sil! norm! /" . b:col . "\vn\" . (mode ? "" : "\") endif let @/ = _s endfu fu! CSVMappings() "{{{3 call Map('noremap', 'W', ':call MoveCol(1, line("."))') call Map('noremap', 'E', ':call MoveCol(-1, line("."))') call Map('noremap', 'K', ':call MoveCol(0, \ line(".")-v:count1)') call Map('noremap', 'J', ':call MoveCol(0, \ line(".")+v:count1)') call Map('nnoremap', '', ':call PrepareFolding(1, \ 1)') call Map('nnoremap', '', ':call PrepareFolding(1, \ 0)') call Map('nnoremap', '', ':call PrepareFolding(0, \ 1)') " Text object: Field call Map('vnoremap', 'if', ':call MoveOver(0)') call Map('vnoremap', 'af', ':call MoveOver(1)') call Map('omap', 'af', ':norm vaf') call Map('omap', 'if', ':norm vif') " Remap original values to a sane backup call Map('noremap', 'J', 'J') call Map('noremap', 'K', 'K') call Map('vnoremap', 'W', 'W') call Map('vnoremap', 'E', 'E') call Map('noremap', 'H', 'H') call Map('noremap', 'L', 'L') call Map('nnoremap', '', '') call Map('nnoremap', '', '') call Map('nnoremap', '', '') call Map('map', '', 'W') call Map('map', '', 'E') call Map('map', 'H', 'E') call Map('map', 'L', 'W') call Map('map', '', 'K') call Map('map', '', 'J') endfu fu! CommandDefinitions() "{{{3 call LocalCmd("WhatColumn", ':echo WColumn(0)', \ '-bang') call LocalCmd("NrColumns", ':call NrColumns()', '-bang') call LocalCmd("HiColumn", ':call HiCol(,0)', \ '-bang -nargs=?') call LocalCmd("SearchInColumn", \ ':call SearchColumn()', '-nargs=*') call LocalCmd("DeleteColumn", ':call DeleteColumn()', \ '-nargs=? -complete=custom,SortComplete') call LocalCmd("ArrangeColumn", \ ':call ArrangeCol(, , 0)', \ '-range -bang') call LocalCmd("UnArrangeColumn", \':call PrepUnArrangeCol(, )', \ '-range') call LocalCmd("InitCSV", ':call Init()', '') call LocalCmd('Header', \ ':call SplitHeaderLine(,0,1)', \ '-nargs=? -bang') call LocalCmd('VHeader', \ ':call SplitHeaderLine(,0,0)', \ '-nargs=? -bang') call LocalCmd("HeaderToggle", \ ':call SplitHeaderToggle(1)', '') call LocalCmd("VHeaderToggle", \ ':call SplitHeaderToggle(0)', '') call LocalCmd("Sort", \ ':call Sort(0, ,,)', \ '-nargs=* -bang -range=% -complete=custom,SortComplete') call LocalCmd("Column", \ ':call CopyCol(empty()?''"'':,)', \ '-count -register') call LocalCmd("MoveColumn", \ ':call MoveColumn(,,)', \ '-range=% -nargs=* -complete=custom,SortComplete') call LocalCmd("SumCol", \ ':echo csv#EvalColumn(, "SumColumn", ,)', \ '-nargs=? -range=% -complete=custom,SortComplete') call LocalCmd("ConvertData", \ ':call PrepareDoForEachColumn(,,0)', \ '-bang -nargs=? -range=%') call LocalCmd("Filters", ':call OutputFilters(0)', \ '-nargs=0 -bang') call LocalCmd("Analyze", ':call AnalyzeColumn()', \ '-nargs=?') call LocalCmd("VertFold", ':call Vertfold(0,)', \ '-bang -nargs=? -range=% -complete=custom,SortComplete') call LocalCmd("CSVFixed", ':call InitCSVFixedWidth()', '') call LocalCmd("NewRecord", ':call NewRecord(, \ , )', '-nargs=? -range') call LocalCmd("NewDelimiter", ':call NewDelimiter()', \ '-nargs=1') call LocalCmd("Duplicates", ':call CheckDuplicates()', \ '-nargs=1 -complete=custom,CompleteColumnNr') call LocalCmd('Transpose', ':call Transpose(, )', \ '-range=%') endfu fu! Map(map, name, definition) "{{{3 " All mappings are buffer local exe a:map " " a:name a:definition " should already exists if a:map == 'nnoremap' let unmap = 'nunmap' elseif a:map == 'noremap' || a:map == 'map' let unmap = 'unmap' elseif a:map == 'vnoremap' let unmap = 'vunmap' elseif a:map == 'omap' let unmap = 'ounmap' endif let b:undo_ftplugin .= "| " . unmap . " " . a:name endfu fu! LocalCmd(name, definition, args) "{{{3 if !exists(':'.a:name) exe "com! -buffer " a:args a:name a:definition let b:undo_ftplugin .= "| sil! delc " . a:name endif endfu fu! Menu(enable) "{{{3 if a:enable " Make a menu for the graphical vim amenu CSV.&Init\ Plugin :InitCSV amenu CSV.SetUp\ &fixedwidth\ Cols :CSVFixed amenu CSV.-sep1- amenu &CSV.&Column.&Number :WhatColumn amenu CSV.Column.N&ame :WhatColumn! amenu CSV.Column.&Highlight\ column :HiColumn amenu CSV.Column.&Remove\ highlight :HiColumn! amenu CSV.Column.&Delete :DeleteColumn amenu CSV.Column.&Sort :%Sort amenu CSV.Column.&Copy :Column amenu CSV.Column.&Move :%MoveColumn amenu CSV.Column.S&um :%SumCol amenu CSV.Column.Analy&ze :Analyze amenu CSV.Column.&Arrange :%ArrangeCol amenu CSV.Column.&UnArrange :%UnArrangeCol amenu CSV.-sep2- amenu CSV.&Toggle\ Header :HeaderToggle amenu CSV.&ConvertData :ConvertData amenu CSV.Filters :Filters amenu CSV.Hide\ C&olumn :VertFold amenu CSV.&New\ Record :NewRecord else " just in case the Menu wasn't defined properly sil! amenu disable CSV endif endfu fu! SaveOptions(list) "{{{3 let save = {} for item in a:list exe "let save.". item. " = &l:". item endfor return save endfu fu! NewDelimiter(newdelimiter) "{{{3 let save = SaveOptions(['ro', 'ma']) if exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols") call Warn("NewDelimiter does not work with fixed width column!") return endif if !&l:ma setl ma endif if &l:ro setl noro endif let line=1 while line <= line('$') " Don't change delimiter for comments if getline(line) =~ '^\s*\V'. escape(b:csv_cmt[0], '\\') let line+=1 continue endif let fields=split(getline(line), b:col . '\zs') " Remove field delimiter call map(fields, 'substitute(v:val, b:delimiter . \ ''\?$'' , "", "")') call setline(line, join(fields, a:newdelimiter)) let line+=1 endwhile " reset local buffer options for [key, value] in items(save) call setbufvar('', '&'. key, value) endfor "reinitialize the plugin call Init() endfu fu! IN(list, value) "{{{3 for item in a:list if item == a:value return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfu fu! DuplicateRows(columnlist) "{{{3 let duplicates = {} let cnt = 0 let line = 1 while line <= line('$') let key = "" let i = 1 let content = getline(line) " Skip comments if content =~ '^\s*\V'. escape(b:csv_cmt[0], '\\') continue endif let cols = split(content, b:col. '\zs') for column in cols if IN(a:columnlist, i) let key .= column endif let i += 1 endfor if has_key(duplicates, key) && cnt < 10 call Warn("Duplicate Row ". line) let cnt += 1 elseif has_key(duplicates, key) call Warn("More duplicate Rows after: ". line) call Warn("Aborting...") return else let duplicates[key] = 1 endif let line += 1 endwhile if cnt == 0 call Warn("No Duplicate Row found!") endif endfu fu! CompleteColumnNr(A,L,P) "{{{3 return join(range(1,MaxColumns()), "\n") endfu fu! CheckDuplicates(list) "{{{3 let string = a:list if string =~ '\d\s\?-\s\?\d' let string = substitute(string, '\(\d\+\)\s\?-\s\?\(\d\+\)', \ '\=join(range(submatch(1),submatch(2)), ",")', '') endif let list=split(string, ',') call DuplicateRows(list) endfu fu! Transpose(line1, line2) "{{{3 " Note: - Comments will be deleted. " - Does not work with fixed-width columns if exists("b:csv_fixed_width") call Warn("Transposing does not work with fixed-width columns!") return endif let _wsv = winsaveview() let TrailingDelim = 0 if line('$') > 1 let TrailingDelim = getline(1) =~ b:delimiter.'$' endif let pat = '^\s*\V'. escape(b:csv_cmt[0], '\\') try let columns = MaxColumns(a:line1) catch " No column, probably because of comment or empty line " so use the number of columns from the beginning of the file let columns = MaxColumns() endtry let matrix = [] for line in range(a:line1, a:line2) " Filter comments out if getline(line) =~ pat continue endif let r = [] for row in range(1,columns) let field = GetColumn(line, row) call add(r, field) endfor call add(matrix, r) endfor unlet row " create new transposed matrix let transposed = [] for row in matrix let i = 0 for val in row if get(transposed, i, []) == [] call add(transposed, []) endif if val[-1:] != b:delimiter let val .= b:delimiter endif call add(transposed[i], val) let i+=1 endfor endfor " Save memory unlet! matrix call map(transposed, 'join(v:val, '''')') if !TrailingDelim call map(transposed, 'substitute(v:val, b:delimiter.''\?$'', "", "")') endif " filter out empty records call filter(transposed, 'v:val != b:delimiter') " Insert transposed data let delete_last_line = 0 if a:line1 == 1 && a:line2 == line('$') let delete_last_line = 1 endif exe a:line1. ",". a:line2. "d _" let first = (a:line1 > 0 ? (a:line1 - 1) : 0) call append(first, transposed) if delete_last_line sil $d _ endif " save memory unlet! transposed call winrestview(_wsv) endfu fu! NrColumns(bang) "{{{3 if !empty(a:bang) try let cols = MaxColumns(line('.')) catch " No column or comment line call Warn("No valid CSV Column!") endtry else let cols = MaxColumns() endif echo cols endfu fu! CSVPat(colnr, ...) "{{{3 " Make sure, we are working in a csv file if &ft != 'csv' return '' endif " encapsulates GetPat(), that returns the search pattern for a " given column and tries to set the cursor at the specific position let pat = GetPat(a:colnr, MaxColumns(), a:0 ? a:1 : '.*') "let pos = match(pat, '.*\\ze') + 1 " Try to set the cursor at the beginning of the pattern " does not work "call setcmdpos(pos) return pat endfu " Initialize Plugin "{{{2 call Init() let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " Vim Modeline " {{{2 " vim: set foldmethod=marker et: