*vjde.txt* Plugging for Java/? language For Vim version 7.0 *vjde* Comments: Description |vjde-desc| Install |vjde-install| VJDE project |vjde-project| search auto-completion |vjde-auto-comp| java |vjde-java| cpp |vcde| ruby |vjde-ruby| java |vjde-java-pkg| jsp |vjde-jsp| taglib |vjde-taglib| xslt |vjde-xsl| html |vjde-html| xml |vjde-xml| xdoclet |vjde-xdoclet| javadoc |vjde-javadoc| iabbr |vjde-iabbr| document viewer |vjde-doc| Preview window |vjde-preview| Re factor tools |vjde-refactor| extract local variable |vjde-rft-local| extract member variable |vjde-rft-field| extract argument |vjde-rft-arg| extract constance |vjde-rft-const| quick fix tools |vjde-fix-tools| surround by try/catch |vjde-fix-ex| add throws |vjde-fix-th| Add import |vjde-fix-im| Code tools |vjde-code| override methods |vjde-override| implements methods |vjde-implements| sort imports |vjde-import-sort| extract imports |vjde-import-extract| wizard |vjde-wizard| template define |vjde-template| search definition |vjde-define| goto definition |vjde-goto| to-do list view |vjde-tasklist| VJDE usefull command list |vjde-command| VJDE variable |vjde-variable| VJDE to-do list |vjde-todolist| VJDE Q&A |vjde-qa| *vjde-desc* Desc~ Now , C++ supported with ruby and ctags. See |vcde| for detail. Now , Csharp supported . This tools wich is named "Vim Java Development Environment". Current version, has two tools : Project and Auto Completion Auto completion is available to :java ,jsp, taglib , html Show Auto Completion in Preview window , and select or input in the Preview window, is map to show doc of current In Preview window. See |vjde_javadoc_path| for how to setup a java document path to be shown in the preview window. Require : ruby , rexml for ruby the future list is: Some plug-in is already used for Vim JDE~ a. Project File Plug-in already b. match it c. auto import ok d. getter setter ok e. compiler I will do:~ 1. Project management ok 2. Auto completion ok 3. Template ok 4. Extend tool 5. Implementing tool ok 6. Getter/Setter ok 7. To-do List ok, but don't committed *vjde-install* Install~ For Windows , for the document viewer , must copy plugin/vjde/wspawn.exe to you path, such as JAVA_HOME/bin ... *vjde-project* Project~ Project tools is used to save the VJDE variables, while you change your variable,some command is useful to save and restore the current settings. Of course, you can add variable settings on the vimrc or anywhere the vim can be found. Load project > :Vjdeload filename :Vjdeas filename :Vjdesave < Auto completion ~ *vjde-auto-comp* For c++ or other ctags supported language , see |vcde| Setup custom completion function > :set cfu=VjdeCompletionFun < Setup classpath variable: > :let g:vjde_lib_path="lib/j2ee.jar:lib/struts.jar:build/classes" < *vjde-java* Once you input something like : > String str; str.to-X-U System.out.println(str.to-X-U System.out.println(str.toUpperCase().-X-U return str.to-X-U new str.to-X-U ... [operator] str.to-X-U ... = str.to-X-U < Package completion~ *vjde-java-pkg* Completion for package and classes: > import java.-X-U applet awt... import java.util.-X-U Abstract... < In source Code : > java.util.-x-u Abstract.. < Jsp file completion~ *vjde-jsp* the same as for jsp files > <%! str.to-x-u %> <% str.to-x-u %> <%= session.get-x-u %> < Taglib completion ~ *vjde-taglib* I add the taglib completion for jsp developer. Just now, completion with tld use xml-completion of |ft-xml-omni|. For Example , I want to use completion for the following: > -X-U out forEach... -X-U out -X-U value default .... -x-u include useBean .... < At first , I had use this command : > :XMLns stl_c c < See |XMLns| for detail of this command. I had generate xmldata for STL taglib, use the following name: > stl_c stl_sql stl_fn stl_fmt stl_x < You had to use you own prefix , For example , your coding is: > <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/sql" prefix="sql"%> < You should use following command: > :XMLns stl_sql sql < To generate your own taglib from the tld file , You can use the following command. > :VjdeTld2Data < TLD file is your own TLD file. Name is used to identify your xmldata. See |xml-omni-datafile| for Detail. I will generate the file at $VJDE/autoload/xml/.vim . NOTE: This function is |ruby| required. *vjde-html* Html auto completion :~ use it like: > <-x-u % %= .... -x-u bgcolor fgcolor.... -x-u aqua antiquewhit .... :VjdeDtd2Data < See |vjde-xmldata| for detail. Note: This function is |ruby| required. Xdoclet completion~ *vjde-xdoclet* *vjde-javadoc* Xdoclet completion is used for xdoclet. While coding comment ,use : > /** * @-x-u author param return ... hibernate.class hibernate.subclass... * @hibernate.class -x-u lazy ... * @hibernate.class lazy="-x-u true" false" < Default , xdoclet support javadoc only. Add you own part , such as ejb.* ,hibernate.* to > ~/.vim/vjde/xdoclet.def < while the xdoclet is enabled , automatically load the define from > ~/.vim/vjde/xdoclet.def < file format is simple , line which is started / or * is treated as comment. > [private|public] enum BOOLEAN { value1,value2 } public tag tagname < tagparent1,parent2 { attr [ATTRTYPE] attr1; attr attr2 { value1,value2 } attr BOOLEAN attr3; .... } < Note: once you change the xdoclet.def , backup is need for next time . Update VJDE will recover it. *vjde-doc* Document viewer~ When you preview your code completion in a gui window, for some delays, the document of this function or member will be shown. It's depends on : g:vjde_javadoc_path '/javadocs/api/' g:vjde_doc_gui_height height of the window g:vjde_doc_gui_width width of the window g:vjde_doc_delay once a item selected ,delay how long. (1/1000 seconds) default 2000 See |vjde-variable| *vjde-iabbr* Iabbr~ Iabbr is some codelet,just something like : a while block, a for block ... use to invoke this tools on gui running For example ,to use ruby with Iabbr Install your own iabbr as ~/.vim/vjde/ruby.iab setup g:vjde_iab_exts='rb' so , for your ruby file which is used '.rb' as the extend Iabbr define file is |vjde-template|, and use the first '|' as the cursor position. Refactor~ Note:Use g:vjde_utils_setup=0 to avoid command definition *vjde-preview* Vjde Preview window~ VJDE Preview window is a tool for preview in a gui tools for selection. I had Use this window to preview the VJDE completion and code template . In Java , html , It's use the completion cfu |cfu| to generate lines to use. It's used like: NOTE: Preview.name ~ name of the previewer , must equals the variable name; Preview.preview_buffer ~ The buffer to be shown, It's the first line is a description of content , like > java.lang.System: < or > java.lang.System:c element->: body->attributes: bgground->values: < Each line of the preview_buffer, the first word ( It's separated by a space) is the type of the tag, the second word ( It's separated by ';' or '(') it the tag name. All the other is trusted as comment. For example > java.io.PrintStream in; boolean equals(java.lang.Object); ... element body; element html; .... < previewer.onSelect ~ is called when use select a word in preview window. Both GUI or Console preview are. It's has a parameter which is the user selected word. previewer.previewLinesFun ~ It's be called with a parameter which is previewer self. like > call previewer.PreviewLinesFun(self) < previewer.docLineFun ~ This function it's called to get the document preview window line. It's would return a String , which is comma separated. like > 400;300;2000;java -cp vjde.jar vjde.completion.Document /mnt/win_e/downloads/docs/api/ src < It's used as : doc width ; doc height ; delay mills;command line to get document I will add preview.preview_buffer[0] and the user selected tag name at the end of command line , and call it , trust the stdout as the document which to be shown. previewer.CFU ~ At first , It's call the |cfu| function to complete code complation. Then , call previewer.previewLinesFun to get buffer would be shown. Third , call preview.docLineFun get the docment define line Third, call the previewer.Preview to preview. Four , call preview.onSelect to handle the user input. NOTE:See vjde_preview.vim for detail. > let java_previewer = VjdePreviewWindow_New() let java_previewer.name = 'java_previewer' let java_previewer.onSelect='VjdeInsertWord' let java_previewer.previewLinesFun='GetJavaCompletionLines' let java_previewer.docLineFun='VjdeGetDocWindowLine' au BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter *.java imap :call java_previewer.CFU('',1)a < NOTE:you can put you preview content to preview buffer > call add(previewer.preview_buffer,'line1'); < Used for the code template: > let g:iab_previewer = VjdePreviewWindow_New() let g:iab_previewer.name='iab_previewer' let g:iab_previewer.onSelect='VjdePreviewIabSelect' let g:iab_previewer.previewLinesFun='' ... ... call g:iab_previewer.Preview(0) < See vjde_java_iab.vim for detail. *vjde-refactor* Variable refactoring~ normal mode: put your cursor on the variable , use the following command *vjde-rft-field* > rf < change current variable to member field. *vjde-rft-local* > rl < change current variable as local variable. *vjde-rft-arg* > rp < Add current variable as argument of method. *vjde-rft-const* Visula mode , a variable is selected ,only support String , char ,int ,long,double select a number or a quoited String , > rc Make the current symbol as a private final static variable. *vjde-fix-tools* Vjde fix tools~ Fix tools is used for fix some minimal compile bugs. Now , unreported exception is supported *vjde-fix-ex* Vjde Exception fix is used for fix uncatched exception compile error For example > java.net.URLConnection con= new java.net.URL("").openConnection(); < Once compile the code of above, two exception is not catched. > :cc " move the cusor to current error line ff < this line is change to : > try { java.net.URLConnection con ... } catch(UN... e1) { } catch(IOExce.. e5) { } < It's a simple and useful tools. *vjde-fix-th* This tools is fix unreported exception to function declaration,use throws on function to generate code . *vjde-fix-im* Automatically add import for Word under cursor. > ai < See |quickfix| for more compile support. *vjde-code* Code tools~ This tools for code generation . *vjde-override* Override the parents method. I the class , execute : > :call Vjde_override(0) < list the class method , select the index of method, separated by comma or space , then ,the code will generated on the end of class definition. *vjde-implements* Implements the methods of implements . > :call Vjde_override(1) oe > list the class method , select the index of method, separated by comma or space , then ,the code will generated on the end of class definition. *vjde-import-sort* to sort the file imports lines , select the lines of import statement. > :call Vjde_sort_import() js < or > :[range]call Vjde_sort_import() < the lines : > import java.awt.*; import com.abc.*; import javax.applet.*; import java.io.*; import org.apache.*; < change to : > import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; import javax.applet.*; import org.apache.*; import com.abc.* < Extract import~ *vjde-import-extract* This is a simple import tool. It's used to extract a import to define. For example , a line: > javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session = reqeust..... < put the cursor on the work "HttpSession" , use a key > je < the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession would be imported, > import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; < and this line become: > HttpSession session = request.... < *vjde-wizard* Wizard ~ Wizard is a tool template tools. It's generated from a definition file and used by any language. Default template file: Note:$VIM/vimfiles/plugin/vjde/tlds/java.vjde Everyone can define a new template and use it. Wizard engines generate any lines from the template. > < Generate a class > :VjdeNclass < Generate a class with a main > :VjdeNmain < Generate a interface > :VjdeNinte < Generate a property > :VjdeNprop < *vjde-template* Template file~ Template can be defined by you self. this is a simple description for template file. a template is started by the following commands Define a template~ Definition a template started(^:the line of started): > template {templatename} [;template desc] < Definition a parameter used by template( in a template , would zero or more > parameter {parametername} [;parameter desc] < Definition a body of template ( followed by any text : > body < End of a template > endtemplate < Note:All of these worlds (template|temp , parameter|para , body, endtemplate|endt) must at the beginning of a line. Note: [;template desc] [;parameter desc] must started with a ';' Template comment ~ the line is started with a '/' is comment : > //this is a comment /this is a comment too < Would be ignored And , the line which is started with '\' will be handled: remove the '\', leave all the following : > \//abc < treated as '//abc' , is not a comment ; > \body %AnthorTemplateName% < Just like the entity of xml. Well find the Template which named by "AnthorTemplateName" , and insert the text of that template here. Template Variable ~ Template variable once defined , can be used in template body. > %{variablename} %{Time.now} < Can be a ruby command can be resolved by ruby eval() function. Once you have to have the String like : > %{notbetreatedasabove} < Can be writed as the following : > %{"%"}{notbetreatedasabove} < Note See $VIM/vimfiles/plugin/vjde/tlds/java.vjde , template JUnitCase for a powerfull ussage. *Vjdeinfo* *vjde-define* Search Definition~ This tool is used to find a variable info or function define. For example (both java and jsp file is available): Show class information > System.out.println(.... ^ place sursor here ,then execute: :Vjdei the constructor,fields,methods, and inner class will be echoed. < Show information of fields > System.out.println(.... ^ place cursor here, then execute: :Vjdei the field which is called "out" would be echoed. like: class : java.lang.System java.io.PrintWriter out; < Show information of methods > System.out.println(.... ^ cursor here the method which name is started with "println" will be echoed. like: class : java.io.PrintWriter public void print(bool); public void print(int); ..... would be printed < Show information of taglibs for a tag definition > \nout\n..... < For a tag attribute definition > \nvalue\n..... < *Vjdegd* *vjde-goto* Goto Declaration ~ Goto the declaration of current works under cursor. It's search the path for all source and goto the method or fields declaration. > :Vjdegd < *vjde-tasklist* We can find something like "//TODO Add something here" is a task list; This tool is used to search task in a file quickly. Just a command: > :TDlist < *vjde-command* command for normal mode: \ai Add import under cursor \oe extend some methods of class \oi implements some interface of current class \fr fix compiler errors with throws statement. \ft fix compiler errors with try-catch statement \jc generate constructor of class with all members. \jt surround line with try-catch statement \jd read the document of symbol that under cursor. \jg generate getter-setter of current member. \je add import for current line,it used for this line > java.io.PrintWriter > would add import statement and change this line to > PrintWriter < \ep change current variable to function parameters. \em chnage current variable to member of class. command for visul mode: \js sort the selected import statement. \jt surround the selected lines with try-catch statement. \en change the selected to a static const defination. *vjde-variable* Note:the define like : > g:vjde_show_paras [0|1] < is indicate: the global variable g:vjde_show_paras accept two values , 0 or 1. the first is the default value. *vjde_use_window* g:vjde_use_window [1|0] sometimes , you want to show some infomation , for example, the document of a method. your can use normal command > \jd < to show the document the symbol under cursor. Just support for java method,member. this function is dependented on g:vjde_javadoc_path *vjde_show_paras* g:vjde_show_paras [0|1] while the auto completion is called, the parameter info display or not. *vjde_lib_path* g:vjde_lib_path the class search path form auto completion. *vjde_out_path* g:vjde_out_path the output path for compile *vjde_src_path* g:vjde_src_path the src path for code template *vjde_web_app* g:vjde_web_app not used , *vjde_autoload_stl* g:vjde_autoload_stl [1|0] load the Standard Tag libray on startup *vjde_autoload_taglib* g:vjde_autoload_taglib [1|0] load the Tag libray on startup *g:vjde_taglib_uri* g:vjde_taglib_uri a dictory for relation-ship of xml-datafile and taglib uri. > g:vjde_taglib_uri={'http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core' : 'stl_c' , 'http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/sql' : 'stl_sql' } < when this relation is exists, once you used taglib in your file : > <%@ taglib prefix='c' uri='http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core'%> < when your input like : > < I whill call > :XMLns stl_c c < so , autocompletion will do for you. *vjde_auto_mark* g:vjde_auto_mark [1|0] Once Goto the declaration, see |Vjdegd|,mark current as J *vjde_xml_advance* g:vjde_xml_advance [1|0] While completion for xml, search the dtd exactly for the children elements or all elements. *vjde_show_preview* g:vjde_show_preview[1|0] While Completion for java , split a preview window to show the full information or not. *vjde_cfu_java_dot* g:vjde_cfu_java_dot [1|0] setup auto command for "."(dot) or not . if ture while . is typed , show all of the completion in a preview window. *vjde_cfu_java_para* g:vjde_cfu_java_para [0|1] setup auto command for "(" or not . if true, while ( is typed, show all override function and parameter types and throws in a preview window. *vjde_javadoc_path* g:vjde_javadoc_path setup the javadoc path, must be 'd:\javadocs\api\' , end with a splash, and reference to the api document path. *vjde_doc_gui_height* g:vjde_doc_gui_height document viewer height *vjde_doc_gui_width* g:vjde_doc_gui_width document viewer width g:vjde_doc_delay timemillis to delay. g:vjde_preview_gui [0|1] setup the preview for gui. Note:gtk+2.0 runtime is required. g:vjde_preview_gui_width [350] preview width for the gui window g:vjde_preview_gui_height [170] preview height for the gui window g:vjde_use_project [0|1] use project.vim as the project file manager. > if g:vjde_use_project && !exist(':Project') runtime plugin/vjde/project.vim endif < While a vjde project is loaded , the project file manager is enabled > if filereadable('.prj') && exists(':Project') exec 'Project .prj' endif < g:vjde_completion_key Completion key for user completion. > if has('gui_running') let g:vjde_completion_key='' else let g:vjde_completion_key='' endif < g:vjde_iab_exts This variable is used for iab tools. All the extension is add can use to completion for code template. > let g:vjde_iab_exts='cpp;h;c;hpp' < g:vjde_java_symbol For fix tool to find a message.You can change it to your own local: > if !exists('g:vjde_java_symbol') let g:vjde_java_symbol= 'cannot find symbol\nsymbol\s*: class \([^ \t;\s]*\)\n' endif < g:vjde_java_exception For fix tool to find a exception message : > if !exists('g:vjde_java_exception') let g:vjde_java_exception = '\(unreported exception \)\([^ \t;]*\);' endif < g:vjde_cs_libs For completion with csharp, use this parameter, looks like > let g:vjde_cs_libs='d:/mono-;..' < g:vjde_cs_cmd For command line of csharp , looks like: > let g:vjde_cs_cmd='mono.exe d:/vim/vimfiles/plugin/vjde/CSParser.exe' < Default value is : > let g:vjde_cs_cmd='mono.exe '.g:vjde_install_path.'/vjde/CSParser.exe' < ruby $java_command the java command line, linux, is tested for "java", for MS windows , "javaw" is recommend $vjde_java_cfu $vjde_java_cfu.found_class the java completion function implements. It's contain the last class which is be searched. *vjde-todolist* 1. template such as , new class , new interface,new ejb.... OK. 2. extends and implements select a class and extend or implement it. OK. 3. some other tools getter/setter generator OK. auto import OK. auto documention *vjde-qa* Note: Most of setting is auto command enabled . see vjde.vim for detail. Q1. I had install this plugin, but , when I use -x-u, it said, not found, why? A1. Check your |cfu| settings. "VjdeCompletionFun" is expected. Q2. I had used this tool for a java code completion, but I can't use it for jsp, why? A2. Check your g:vjde_lib_path settings.The j2ee.jar or another is include. like: > let g:vjde_lib_path="/home/me/lib/j2ee.jar:build/classes" < Q3. I am MS Windows user, while I use -x-u, a command window is occurred, how to avoid it? A3. You must use "javaw" instead of "java", use this command: > ruby $java_command="javaw" < Q4. I am MS Windows user, I can't see the document , although the g:vjde_javadoc_path is correctly. A3. Confirm the wspawn.exe is run enable from you command window. for 2.00.01 later version. use this command: > let g:vjde_java_command='javaw' < =============================================================== vim:ts=8 sw=8 noexpandtab tw=78 ft=help: