*vcde* Description~ VCDE is a c++ development support by VJDE framework. Future~ Now, ctags file supported from two ways: 1. ruby parser, 2 readtags which come from ctag5.5.4 Default , use readtags , Once the $VIM_RUNTIME/plugin/vjde/readtags is not runnable for you OS, use following in your .vimrc to disable it. > let g:vjde_readtags='' < Then, ruby parser will be used. Code completion in a gui window or a preview window for c++,simply namespace and typedef support. > string str; str.find ^ < Parameter preview in a window while your input a after a '(' > string str; str.find_first_of( ^ < For quickly search the tag of c++ , you can generate a index for your tags. Use the flowing command: > :call VjdeCppGenerateIdx() < It's use |tags| parameter , then generate a index for each tag file, named tags.vjde_idx NOTE: for *inux user, you must make sure that the director is writable for the user. Setup~ To setup the completion for your own cpp files, you can set > g:vjde_cpp_exts < which is seperated by ';' , It's treat as the extensions of c++/c files , like > let g:vjde_cpp_exts='cpp;c;cxx;h;hpp;hxx' < Smart pointer support~ Sometimes , We had use some smart pointer ,such as > typedef auto_ptr MyClassPtr; < At that time , some coding support is read a MyClassPtr as auto_ptr, so , code completion is not working correctly. So , add a file which is located : > ~/.vim/vjde/ptr.lst < Add the following line: > auto_ptr std::auto_ptr < Then , code completion will treat MyClassPtr as MyClass. Other language Support ~ NOTE: Just now, use omni completion instead of this function. VJDE support other language which is ctags supported. Once you want to use with your language, setup the variable > let g:vjde_ctags_exts='vim;rb' < Then, the vim and ruby file can be previewed! Global Variables~ g:vjde_max_deeps Search for member in Inheries . g:vjde_max_tags The tags number will be searched. vim:ts=8 sw=8 noexpandtab tw=78 ft=help: