! ~/.Xdefaults - Norman Köhring ! with ideas from: ! http://galois.com/~emertens/Xresources ! and http://dotfiles.org/~tenebrous/.Xdefaults ! and others ! general settings: Xft.antialias: 1 Xft.autohint: 0 Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault Xft.hintstyle: hintfull Xft.hinting: 1 Xft.rgba: rgb Xft.dpi: 96 *font: xft:MonofurNerdFontMono-Book-14 *faceName: xft:MonofurNerdFontMono-Book-12 ! colours ! --- generated with 4bit Terminal Color Scheme Designer ----------------------- ! --- http://ciembor.github.com/4bit ------------------------------------------- *background: #424242 *foreground: #d9e6f2 ! black *color0: #2b2b2b *color8: #424242 ! red *color1: #ba9897 *color9: #d0b9b9 ! green *color2: #97ba98 *color10: #b9d0b9 ! yellow *color3: #b9ba97 *color11: #d0d0b9 ! blue *color4: #9897ba *color12: #b9b9d0 ! magenta *color5: #ba97b9 *color13: #d0b9d0 ! cyan *color6: #97b9ba *color14: #b9d0d0 ! white *color7: #d2d2d2 *color15: #ffffff !! old colors: !*foreground: #cccccc !*background: #191919 ! !! Black + Dark Grey !*color0: #222222 !*color8: #333333 !! Dark Red + Red !*color1: #a10a30 !*color9: #b30a30 !! Dark Green + Green !*color2: #5b762f !*color10: #89b83f !! Dark Yellow + Yellow !*color3: Khaki3 !*color11: #efe58b !! Dark Blue + Blue !*color4: #324c80 !*color12: #2b4f98 !! Dark Magenta + Magenta !*color5: #706c9a !*color13: #826ab1 !! Dark Cyan + Cyan !*color6: #92b19e !*color14: #a1cdcd !! Light Grey + White !*color7: #ffffff !*color15: #dedede ! xmessage settings: .xmessage.form.okay.shapeStyle: round .xmessage.form.okay.background: #333333 .xmessage.form.okay.foreground: snow .xmessage.message.font: -*-proggyclean-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* .xmessage.message.background: #333333 .xmessage.form.background: #333333 .xmessage.defaultButton: !CursorFoo Xcursor.theme: Chameleon-Anthracite-Regular Xcursor.size: 16 !TerminalFoo Rxvt*termName: rxvt-256color Rxvt*title: terminal Rxvt*name: terminal Rxvt*geometry: 106x52 Rxvt*background: black Rxvt*foreground: white Rxvt*scrollBar: False Rxvt*visualBell: True Rxvt*urgentOnBell: True URxvt*transparent: False URxvt*fading: 80 URxvt*fadeColor: #101010 !URxvt*shading: 20 !URxvt*blurRadius: 24 ! URL FOO URxvt.perl-ext: default,selection,mark-yank-urls URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher URxvt*colorUL: #86A2BE URxvt.keysym.M-u: perl:mark-yank-urls:activate_mark_mode URxvt.underlineURLs: true urxvt.urlLauncher: /usr/bin/vimprobable2 urxvt.scrollstyle: plain urxvt.scrollBar: false URxvt*matcher.button: 3 !URxvt.keysym.C-minus: command:\033]50;xft:Monospace:size=10:antialias=true\007 URxvt.keysym.C-minus: perl:mark-yank-urls:activate_mark_mode rofi.pid: /run/user/1000/rofi.pid rofi.modi: run rofi.font: monofur for powerline 16 rofi.width: 100 rofi.lines: 5 rofi.columns: 1 rofi.opacity: 80 ! rofi.color-enabled: true ! bg fg altbg hlbg hlfg ! rofi.normal: #1d2021, #ebdbb2, #1d2021, #ebdbb2, #1d2021 ! rofi.urgent: #1d2021, #ebdbb2, #1d2021, #ebdbb2, #1d2021 ! rofi.active: #1d2021, #ebdbb2, #1d2021, #ebdbb2, #1d2021 ! rofi.color-window: #1d2021, #1d2021 rofi.fg: #ebdbb2 rofi.bg: #1d2021 rofi.hlfg: #1d2021 rofi.hlbg: #ebdbb2 rofi.bw: 0 rofi.location: 2 rofi.padding: 100 rofi.fuzzy: false