# # == Styles # # Styles define various properties of styleable items in a CSS-like syntax. # # If no background color is given no color will be set. This will ensure a # custom background pixmap won't be overwritten. # # Following properties are available for most the styles: # # [*foreground*] Foreground text color # [*background*] Background color # [*margin*] Outer spacing # [*border*] Border color and size # [*padding*] Inner spacing # [*font*] Font string (xftontsel or xft) # # === Link # # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Styles # Style for all style elements style :all do background C[:brown] icon "#757575" border "#303030", 0 padding 0, 3 #font "-*-webbycaps-*-*-*-*-7-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" font "xft:monofur:pixelsize=14" #font "xft:sans-8" end # Style for the all views style :views do foreground "#757575" # Style for the active views style :focus do foreground C[:orange] end # Style for urgent window titles and views style :urgent do foreground C[:red] end # Style for occupied views (views with clients) style :occupied do foreground "#b8b8b8" end end # Style for sublets style :sublets do foreground C[:orange] end # Style for separator style :separator do foreground "#757575" separator "|" end # Style for focus window title style :title do foreground C[:orange] end # Style for active/inactive windows style :clients do active "#303030", 2 inactive "#202020", 2 margin 0 width 50 end # Style for subtle style :subtle do margin 0, 0, 0, 0 panel "#2D2815" background "#3d3d3d" stipple "#757575" end