"============================================================================= " File: occur.vim " Author: FURUSAWA, Noriyoshi (noriyosi xxx gmail dot com) xxx=@,dot=. " Last Change: 2008/6/9 " Version: 0.02 "============================================================================= if exists('loaded_occur') || &cp finish endif let loaded_occur=1 if v:version < 700 echo "Sorry, occur ONLY runs with Vim 7.0 and greater." finish endif " Key bind nmap oc :Occur nmap mo :Moccur " Create commands command! Occur silent call s:SetupAndGo('s:Occur') command! Moccur silent call s:SetupAndGo('s:Moccur') function! s:Occur() let expr = 'caddexpr expand("%") . ":" . line(".") . ":" . getline(".")' exec 'silent keepjumps g/' . @/ . '/' . expr endfunction function! s:Moccur() " Create the buffer list redir => command_out ls redir END let buffers = [] for line in split(command_out, '\n') call add(buffers, split(line, ' ')[0]) endfor " Search the pattern in all buffers for buf_number in buffers exec 'keepjumps buffer ' . buf_number call s:Occur() endfor endfunction function! s:SetupAndGo(func) let org_efm = &errorformat let &errorformat = '%f:%l:%m' " Clear the results window cexpr "================= occur result =================" cclose " Log the current point +1 call function(a:func)() " Open the results window keepjumps cfirst 2 cwindow let &errorformat = org_efm endfunction