*potwiki.txt* Plain Old Text Wiki v1.25 POTWIKI REFERENCE MANUAL~ Maintaining a Wiki of plain text files with the plugin "potwiki" ============================================================================== CONTENT *potwiki-contents* Installation : |potwiki-install| potwiki intro : |potwiki| Requirements : |potwiki-requirements| potwiki commands : |potwiki-commands| Customization : |potwiki-customize| Bugs : |potwiki-bugs| Todo list : |potwiki-todo| ============================================================================== 1. potwiki Installation *potwiki-install* In order to install the plugin, place the potwiki.vim file into a plugin directory in your runtime path (please see |add-global-plugin| and |'runtimepath'|). |potwiki| may be customized by setting variables, creating maps, and specifying event handlers. Please see |potwiki-customize| for more details. *potwiki-auto-help* This help file is automagically generated when the |potwiki| script is loaded for the first time. ============================================================================== 1.1. potwiki requirements *potwiki-requirements* potwiki should work with vim 6.0 or later versions. ============================================================================== 2. potwiki intro *potwiki* *wiki* *potwiki-intro* potwiki provides functions and mappings for maintaining a Wiki of plain text files. The Wiki is a collection of text files in a single directory. These files can contain hyper links to each other in the form of WikiWords. A WikiWord is a word which starts with an upper case letter and contains at least one lower case letter and another upper case letter in this order -- it's in 'camel case', e.g. ThisIsAWikiWord Such a WikiWord links to a file of exactly the same name in your Wiki directory. By default you can also use digits and underscore in your WikiWords. You can customize this to your needs. |potwiki-customize| When opening a Wiki file potwiki scans your Wiki directory to find which WikiWords are valid links. WikiWords without a corresponding file are highlighted as errors (otherwise it doesn't matter). The default mappings are defined as follow (By default, stands for '\'. See |Leader| for more info) : ww - open the Wiki HomePage wi - open the Wiki index wf - follow a WikiWord (can be used in any buffer!) we - edit a Wiki file The following mappings are present when editing a Wiki file: - close the file - follow the WikiWord under the cursor - move to the next WikiWord - move to the previous WikiWord wr - reload WikiWords See |potwiki-mappings-override| and |potwiki-options| to learn how to override those default mappings. ============================================================================== 3. potwiki commands *potwiki-commands* See |potwiki-intro| for default mapping. Currently potwiki does not define any commands. ============================================================================== 4. potwiki customization *potwiki-customize* 4.1. General configuration ~ -------------------------- *loaded_potwiki* *potwiki-disable* You can disable this script by putting the following line in your |vimrc| > let loaded_potwiki = 1 < You can define your own color scheme for potwiki highlighting, by setting |highlight| on PotwikiWord and PotwikiWordNotFound groups. For example: > highlight PotwikiWord guifg=darkcyan highlight PotwikiWordNotFound guibg=Red guifg=Yellow < When a wiki file is edited the 'filetype' and 'syntax' options are set to 'potwiki'. You can use autocommands for this filetype to customize your wiki editing. For exmaple: > :au Filetype potwiki set sts=4 < If you want to be able to switch the highlighting on and off with > :syntax on | enable | off < put the following line in a file called 'potwiki.vim' in your syntax directory (usually ~/.vim/syntax): > call PotwikiSyntax() < 4.2. Mapping documentation: ~ --------------------------- *potwiki-mappings-override* By default, a global mapping is defined for some commands. User-provided mappings can be used instead by mapping to CommandName. This is especially useful when these mappings collide with other existing mappings (vim will warn of this during plugin initialization, but will not clobber the existing mappings). For instance, to override the default mapping for :PotwikiHome to set it to \wh, add the following to the |vimrc|: > nmap \wh PotwikiHome < 4.3. Options documentation: ~ --------------------------- *potwiki-options* Several variables are checked by the script to customize potwiki behavior. You can set them using let in your |vimrc| file. Example: > let potwiki_home = "$HOME/MyWiki/HomePage" < potwiki_suffix *potwiki_suffix* This variable contains a suffix appended to the names of your Wikifiles. default: '' potwiki_home *potwiki_home* This variable contains the filename of your Wiki HomePage. default: $HOME/Wiki/HomePage + potwiki_suffix potwiki_home_dir *potwiki_home_dir* This variable contains the path of your Wiki directory. default: the directory containing the file set in potwiki_home. potwiki_upper *potwiki_upper* Upper case characters for WikiWords. Uses the syntax of [ ] atoms in regular expressions. default: 'A-Z' potwiki_lower *potwiki_lower* Lower case characters for WikiWords. Uses the syntax of [ ] atoms in regular expressions. default: 'a-z' potwiki_other *potwiki_other* Non-letter characters for WikiWords. Uses the syntax of [ ] atoms in regular expressions. default: '0-9_' potwiki_autowrite *potwiki_autowrite* If this is non-zero potwiki always writes a Wiki file when it is closed by PotwikiClose or when you follow another WikiWord. (The file is only written if it has been changed.) potwiki_ignore *potwiki_ignore* A comma-separated list of words you don't want potwiki to highlight. Don't include any whitespace in this list. default: '' ============================================================================== 6. potwiki bugs *potwiki-bugs* Please contact me if you find any bugs in potwiki. I'm sure there are enough of them. Include 'potwiki' in the subject line when contacting me. ============================================================================== 7. potwiki TODO list *potwiki-todo* Please contact me if you have suggestions for improving potwiki. Include 'potwiki' in the subject line when contacting me. ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: