*RltvNmbr.txt* Relative Numbers Nov 21, 2008 Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr. (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first) Copyright: (c) 2008 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr. *RltvNmbr-copyright* The VIM LICENSE applies to RltvNmbr.vim and RltvNmbr.txt (see |copyright|) except use "RltvNmbr instead of "Vim". NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USE AT-YOUR-OWN-RISK. ============================================================================== 1. Contents *RltvNmbr* *RltvNmbr-contents* {{{1 1. Contents......................................: |RltvNmbr-contents| 2. Relative Numbering Manual.....................: |RltvNmbr-manual| 3. Relative Numbering History....................: |RltvNmbr-history| ============================================================================== 2. Relative Numbering Manual *RltvNmbr-manual* {{{1 ENABLING AND DISABLING RELATIVE NUMBERING The Relative Numbering plugin provides a command: > :RltvNmbr[!] < The :RltvNmbr command enables relative numbering. The :RltvNmbr! command disables relative numbering. If :RN hasn't been previously defined, then one may also use > :RN < to toggle relative numbering. The RltvNumbr plugin reports on its enabled/disabled status with > b:rltvnmbrmode=1 : RltvNmbr mode is enabled b:rltvnmbrmode=0 : RltvNmbr mode is disabled < This variable is used for reporting and to control :RN based toggling. YOU MUST HAVE SIGNS FOR THIS PLUGIN To use this plugin your vim must have been compiled with the "huge" feature set (so as to have +signs in the :version listing). Typically that means having used > configure --with-features=huge < To determine if your copy of vim has signs, you may: > :echo has("signs") < If it shows "1", then your vim supports signs. Alternatively, you may: > :version < and if +signs appears in the listing, then, again, your vim supports signs. If it lists -signs, then unfortunately your vim does not do so. MODFIYING THE RELATIVE NUMBERING HIGHLIGHTING The relative numbering signs are highlighted with > hi default HL_RltvNmbr_Minus gui=none,italic ctermfg=red ctermbg=black guifg=red guibg=black hi default HL_RltvNmbr_Positive gui=none,italic ctermfg=green ctermbg=black guifg=green guibg=black < This information is provided so that you may know what to specify to use your preferences in relative number highlighting. One way to get your preferred colorization in is to put lines like the following into .vim/after/plugin/RltvNmbr.vim: > au FileType * hi HL_RltvNmbr_Minus gui=none ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=black guifg=yellow guibg=black au FileType * hi HL_RltvNmbr_Positive gui=none ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=black guifg=magenta guibg=black < HOW TO START WITH RELATIVE NUMBERING MODE ENABLED Using > Unix: ~/.vim/after/plugin/RltvNmbr.vim Windows: $HOME\_vimfiles\after\plugin\RltvNmbr.vim < place the following line: > call RltvNmbr#RltvNmbrCtrl(1) < THE RELATIVE NUMBERING PATCH This plugin was inspired by the relative-numbering patch mentioned on the vim-dev mailing list, written by Markus Heidelberg. You can find his patch at http://groups.google.com/group/vim_dev/attach/10fa0944a8b643b4/vim-7.2-relativenumber-02.patch?part=2 This plugin uses signs to enable relative numbering. Signs are assigned on a buffer-by-buffer basis as an inherent limitation, so a given buffer can only display one set of signs. The relative numbering patch does not have this limitation. To see this effect, try using > vim -O file file < and use relative numbering provided by this plugin. You'll find that the relative numbering column will change as you switch windows to reflect your active cursor. ============================================================================== 3. Relative Numbering History *RltvNmbr-history* {{{1 3: Aug 22, 2008 * speeded up unplacing of signs * included g:rltvnmbrmode to report en/dis-abled * s:AvoidOtherSigns() written/included to * allow RltvNmbr() to avoid using previously existing sign IDs. * included some more autocmds for rltv nmbr updating 2: Aug 19, 2008 * included :RN command which toggles relative numbering * included some more autocmds to update relative numbering. * made gvim's version use italic numbers * :RN was toggling globally; now its done on a buffer-by-buffer basis. * Included DrChip menu support for gvim use 1: Aug 18, 2008 * Initial release Aug 18, 2008 * Fixed some bugs associated with folding Aug 18, 2008 * Changes in colorscheme was clearing the highlighting. Highlighting now restored. ============================================================================== Modelines: {{{1 vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:fdm=marker: