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# == Grabs
# Grabs are keyboard and mouse actions within subtle, every grab can be
# assigned either to a key and/or to a mouse button combination. A grab
# consists of a chain and an action.
# === Finding keys
# The best resource for getting the correct key names is
# */usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h*, but to make life easier here are some hints
# about it:
# * Numbers and letters keep their names, so *a* is *a* and *0* is *0*
# * Keypad keys need *KP_* as prefix, so *KP_1* is *1* on the keypad
# * Strip the *XK_* from the key names if looked up in
# /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h
# * Keys usually have meaningful english names
# * Modifier keys have special meaning (Alt (A), Control (C), Meta (M),
# Shift (S), Super (W))
# === Chaining
# Chains are a combination of keys and modifiers to one or a list of keys
# and can be used in various ways to trigger an action. In subtle, there are
# two ways to define chains for grabs:
# 1. *Default*: Add modifiers to a key and use it for a grab
# *Example*: grab "W-Return", "urxvt"
# 2. *Chain*: Define a list of grabs that need to be pressed in order
# *Example*: grab "C-y Return", "urxvt"
# ==== Mouse buttons
# [*B1*] = Button1 (Left mouse button)
# [*B2*] = Button2 (Middle mouse button)
# [*B3*] = Button3 (Right mouse button)
# [*B4*] = Button4 (Mouse wheel up)
# [*B5*] = Button5 (Mouse wheel down)
# [*...*]
# [*B20*] = Button20 (Are you sure that this is a mouse and not a keyboard?)
# ==== Modifiers
# [*A*] = Alt key (Mod1)
# [*C*] = Control key
# [*M*] = Meta key (Mod3)
# [*S*] = Shift key
# [*W*] = Super/Windows key (Mod4)
# [*G*] = Alt Gr (Mod5)
# === Action
# An action is something that happens when a grab is activated, this can be one
# of the following:
# [*symbol*] Run a subtle action
# [*string*] Start a certain program
# [*array*] Cycle through gravities
# [*lambda*] Run a Ruby proc
# === Example
# This will create a grab that starts a urxvt when Alt+Enter are pressed:
# grab "A-Return", "urxvt"
# grab "C-a c", "urxvt"
# === Link
# Jump to view1, view2, ...
grab "W-S-1", :ViewJump1
grab "W-S-2", :ViewJump2
grab "W-S-3", :ViewJump3
grab "W-S-4", :ViewJump4
grab "W-S-5", :ViewJump5
grab "W-S-6", :ViewJump6
grab "W-S-7", :ViewJump7
grab "W-S-8", :ViewJump8
grab "W-S-9", :ViewJump9
# Switch current view
grab "W-1", :ViewSwitch1
grab "W-2", :ViewSwitch2
grab "W-3", :ViewSwitch3
grab "W-4", :ViewSwitch4
grab "W-5", :ViewSwitch5
grab "W-6", :ViewSwitch6
grab "W-7", :ViewSwitch7
grab "W-8", :ViewSwitch8
grab "W-9", :ViewSwitch9
# Select next and prev view */
grab "KP_Add", :ViewNext
grab "KP_Subtract", :ViewPrev
grab "W-Right", :ViewNext
grab "W-Left", :ViewPrev
# Move mouse to screen1, screen2, ...
grab "W-A-1", :ScreenJump1
grab "W-A-2", :ScreenJump2
grab "W-A-3", :ScreenJump3
grab "W-A-4", :ScreenJump4
# Force reload of config and sublets
grab "W-C-r", :SubtleReload
# Force restart of subtle
grab "W-C-S-r", :SubtleRestart
# Quit subtle
grab "W-C-q", :SubtleQuit
# Move current window
grab "W-B1", :WindowMove
# Resize current window
grab "W-B3", :WindowResize
# Toggle floating mode of window
grab "W-space", :WindowFloat
# Toggle fullscreen mode of window
grab "W-f", :WindowFull
# Toggle sticky mode of window (will be visible on all views)
grab "W-S-s", :WindowStick
# Toggle zaphod mode of window (will span across all screens)
grab "W-equal", :WindowZaphod
# Raise window
grab "W-r", :WindowRaise
# Lower window
grab "W-l", :WindowLower
# Select next windows
grab "W-Left", :WindowLeft
grab "W-Down", :WindowDown
grab "W-Up", :WindowUp
grab "W-Right", :WindowRight
# Kill current window
grab "W-S-k", :WindowKill
# Cycle between given gravities
#grab "W-KP_7", [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ]
#grab "W-KP_8", [ :top, :top66, :top33 ]
#grab "W-KP_9", [ :top_right, :top_right66, :top_right33 ]
#grab "W-KP_4", [ :left, :left66, :left33 ]
#grab "W-KP_5", [ :center, :center66, :center33 ]
#grab "W-KP_6", [ :right, :right66, :right33 ]
#grab "W-KP_1", [ :bottom_left, :bottom_left66, :bottom_left33 ]
#grab "W-KP_2", [ :bottom, :bottom66, :bottom33 ]
#grab "W-KP_3", [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ]
# In case no numpad is available e.g. on notebooks
grab "W-q", [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ]
grab "W-w", [ :top, :top66, :top33 ]
grab "W-e", [ :top_right, :top_right66, :top_right33 ]
grab "W-a", [ :left, :left60, :left33 ]
grab "W-s", [ :center, :center66, :center33 ]
grab "W-d", [ :right, :right66, :right40 ]
grab "W-y", [ :bottom_left, :bottom_left66, :bottom_left33 ]
grab "W-x", [ :bottom, :bottom66, :bottom33 ]
grab "W-c", [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ]
# Exec programs
grab "W-Return", "urxvt"
grab "W-p" do
# Run Ruby lambdas
grab "S-F2" do |c|
grab "S-F3" do
puts Subtlext::VERSION