{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

The 250KB Club

The Web Is Doom

Lets do something about it!

The 250KB Club is a collection of web pages that focus on performance, efficiency and accessibility.

Websites in this list must not exceed 256KB compressed size!

Yes, compressed size. It makes much more sense because it allows for a lot of text to be transferred without having a big impact on the total size, while the impact of media is basically unaffected.

If your pages exceeds 250KB, you might consider 512kB.club or 1MB.club.

You can suggest a web page for this collection via Sourcehut or via Github. The site will be reviewed and, if applicable, added to the list below. Pages are checked again every week.

All entries have their own sub page with additional information. If you want, you can directly link to it from your page.

    {% for page in paginator.pages %}
  1. {{ page.title }} {{ page.extra.size }}kb {{ page.extra.ratio }}% open {{ page.title }} in a new tab or window
  2. {% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}