import svelte from 'rollup-plugin-svelte' import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve' import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs' import json from '@rollup/plugin-json' import livereload from 'rollup-plugin-livereload' import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser' import { emptyDirectories, htmlInjector } from 'rollup-plugin-app-utils' const isProduction = !process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH const timeStamp = function serve() { let server function toExit() { if (server) server.kill(0) } return { writeBundle() { if (server) return server = require('child_process').spawn('npm', ['run', 'start', '--', '--dev'], { stdio: ['ignore', 'inherit', 'inherit'], shell: true }) process.on('SIGTERM', toExit) process.on('exit', toExit) } } } export default { input: 'src/main.js', output: { sourcemap: true, format: 'iife', name: 'app', file: 'public/build/bundle.js' }, plugins: [ emptyDirectories('./public/build/'), svelte({ // enable run-time checks when not in production dev: !isProduction, // we'll extract any component CSS out into // a separate file - better for performance // css: css => { // css.write('bundle.css') //} }), // If you have external dependencies installed from // npm, you'll most likely need these plugins. In // some cases you'll need additional configuration - // consult the documentation for details: // resolve({ browser: true, dedupe: ['svelte'] }), commonjs(), htmlInjector({ template: './src/template.html', target: './public/index.html', injects: { timeStamp }, }), json({ exclude: ['node_modules/**'], preferConst: true, compact: true, namedExports: false }), // In dev mode, call `npm run start` once // the bundle has been generated !isProduction && serve(), // Watch the `public` directory and refresh the // browser on changes when not in production !isProduction && livereload('public'), // If we're building for production (npm run build // instead of npm run dev), minify isProduction && terser() ], watch: { clearScreen: false } }