You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
2.5 KiB

import fs from 'fs'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import phantomas from 'phantomas'
import pageData from './src/components/pages.mjs'
const INPUT_FILE = './pages.txt'
const OUTPUT_FILE = './src/components/pages.mjs'
const RECHECK_THRESHOLD = 60*60*24*7*1000 // recheck pages older than 1 week
4 years ago
const REJECT_THRESHOLD = 256000
4 years ago
info: `[${chalk.bold.white('II')}]`,
warn: `[${chalk.bold.yellow('WW')}]`,
error: `[${'EE')}]`,
debug: `[${chalk.bold.white('DD')}]`,
function log (level='info') {
const args = [...arguments].slice(1)
let prefix = LOGGING_PREFIXES[level]
console.log(prefix, ...args)
function info () { log('info', ...arguments) }
function warn () { log('warn', ...arguments) }
function error () { log('error', ...arguments) }
function debug () { log('debug', ...arguments) }
function calcWeights (url, m) {
const extraWeight = m.cssSize + m.jsSize + m.webfontSize + m.otherSize
const contentWeight = m.htmlSize + m.jsonSize + m.imageSize + m.base64Size + m.videoSize
4 years ago
if (m.contentSize > REJECT_THRESHOLD) {
warn(url, 'oversized by', m.contentSize - REJECT_THRESHOLD)
return { url, contentWeight, extraWeight, stamp: }
async function generateMetrics (urls) {
4 years ago
debug('Checking', urls)
const metricsList = []
const keyedPageData = pageData.reduce((acc, page) => {
// stores url/stamp pairs to decide for recheck
acc[page.url] = page
return acc
}, {})
const knownURLs = Object.keys(keyedPageData)
const now =
for (const url of urls) {
if (knownURLs.indexOf(url) >= 0) {
if (now - keyedPageData[url].stamp < RECHECK_THRESHOLD) {
4 years ago
debug('skipping known URL', url)
metricsList.push(keyedPageData[url]) // push old data to list
try {
4 years ago
debug('fetching and analyzing', url)
const results = await phantomas(url)
4 years ago
const weights = calcWeights(url, results.getMetrics())
metricsList.push(weights) // TODO: what to do with oversized pages?
4 years ago
} catch(err) {
error(`failed to analyze ${url}`, err)
try {
// TODO: poor mans JSON to JS converter?
fs.writeFileSync(OUTPUT_FILE, 'export default ' + JSON.stringify(metricsList))
} catch (err) {
4 years ago
error(`failed to write results to ${OUTPUT_FILE}`, err)
try {
const rawString = fs.readFileSync(INPUT_FILE, 'utf8')
const urls = rawString.split('\n').filter(line => line.startsWith('http'))
} catch (err) {
4 years ago
error(`failed to read page list from ${INPUT_FILE}`, err)