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<!doctype html><html lang=en><head><meta charset=utf-8><meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name=viewport><title>The 250kb Club</title><meta content="An exclusive membership for web pages presenting themselves in no more than 250kb." name=description><meta content="Norman Köhring" name=author><meta content="The 250kb Club" name=DC.title><link href= rel=author><link href=/favicon.png rel=icon type=image/x-icon><link href= rel=alternate title=RSS type=application/rss+xml><style>body {
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3 years ago
}</style><body><header><h1>The 250kb Club</h1><h2><a rel="noopener nofollow" href= target=_blank> The Web Is Doom </a></h2><p>Lets do something about it!<p>The <em>250kb Club</em> is a collection of web pages that focus on performance, efficiency and accessibility.<p class=big>Websites in this list must not exceed 256kb <em>compressed</em> size!<p>Yes, compressed size. It makes much more sense because it allows for a lot of text to be transferred without having a big impact on the total size, while the impact of media is basically unaffected.<p>If your pages exceeds 250kb, you might consider <a rel="noopener nofollow" href= target=_blank></a> or <a rel="noopener nofollow" href= target=_blank></a>.<p>You can suggest a web page for this collection <a rel="noopener nofollow" href= target=_blank>via Sourcehut</a> or <a rel="noopener nofollow" href= target=_blank>via Github</a>. The site will be reviewed and, if applicable, added to the list below. Pages are checked again every week.<p>All entries have their own sub page with additional information. If you want, youcan directly link to it from your page.</header><main id=members-table><aside><div></div><input id=info-toggle type=checkbox><label for=info-toggle><span class=info-text>How does this work?</span> <span class=info-close>  x  </span></label><article id=info-popup><header><h1>Technical Details</h1></header><p>The values shown in the list are URL, Total Weight, Content Ratio and are updated weekly.<p>Websites listed here are downloaded and analyzed with <link href=>Phantomas. The total weight is counted and then the size of actual content is measured and shown as a ratio.<p>For example: If a website has a total weight of 100kb and 60kb are the documents structure, text, images, videos and so on, then the content ratio is 60%. The rest are extras like CSS, JavaScript and so on. It is hard to say what a good ratio is but my gut feeling is that everything above 20% is pretty good already.<p><strong>Disclaimer:</strong> Currently, inline scripts and styles are measured as content due to technical limitations of Phantomas. This will hopefully be fixed soon.</article></aside><ol><li style=--size:67;--ratio:9%><div class=entry><span class=url> <a href=/www-beh-uk></a> </span><span class=size>67kb</span><span class=ratio>9%</span><span class=open-page> <a href= rel=noopener target=_blank> <img alt="open in a new tab or window" src=/export.png> </a> </span></div> <div class="entry-size-bar highlighted"></div> <div class="entry-ratio-bar yellow red"></div><li style=--size:68;--ratio:15%><div class=entry><span class=url> <a href=/legiblenews-com></a> </span><span class=size>68kb</span><span class=ratio>15%</span><span class=open-page> <a href= rel=noopener target=_blank> <img alt="open in a new tab or window" src=/export.png> </a> </span></div> <div class="entry-size-bar highlighted"></div> <div class="entry-ratio-bar yellow red"></div><li style=--size:69;--ratio:9%><div class=entry><span class=url> <a href=/thebestmotherfucking-website></a> </span><span class=size>69kb</span><span class=ratio>9%</span><span class=open-page> <a href= rel=noopener target=_blank> <img alt="open in a new tab or window" src=/export.png> </a> </span></div> <div class="entry-size-bar highlighted"></div> <div class="entry-ratio-bar yellow red"></div><li style=--size:69;--ratio:4%><div class=entry><span class=url> <a href=/dyremyhr-no></a> </span><span class=size>69kb</span><span class=ratio>4%</span><span class=open-page> <a href= rel=noopener target=_blank> <img alt="open in a new tab or window" src=/export.png> </a> </span></div> <div cl